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New York: a year after the first confinement, life is reborn

Posted the 03/19/2021 10:51

Video length: 3 min.


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At New York (United States), life is slowly resuming. The 17th of March 2020 on government had decided to put the city under a bell. For the past few days, bars and cinemas have been authorized to reopen.

In recent days, nightlife has resumed in New York (United States), the bars have just reopened indoors. It’s my first night out in a year“, says a client. The capacity remains limited to 50%, but what does it matter to Gary Wallach, responsible for “Arlo Rooftop Soho “, which sees its bar reborn: I see life picking up again, it’s incredible. A few days ago, we received the phone call telling us that we could reopen, we hurried to clean everything and set up a system where customers can order while respecting the distance. social“.

New York was placed under a bell, by order of the governor, on March 17, 2020. The city, which has suffered as many as 1,000 deaths a day, has fallen to a few dozen. More than 20% of residents have been vaccinated, the pace is accelerating in stadiums open 24 hours a day. The cinemas were able to reopen, with a capacity of 25%. The real estate industry is booming, newcomers are jostling and the market is exploding. Monday, March 22, the 500 high schools in the city will reopen, the students had been in distance education for a year.

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