My apple and pastrami © GP
It’s impossible to visit New York and the Lower East Side without stopping by Katz’s delicatessen and tasting its pastrami which seemed dry in the past and which seems to have regained all its freshness and softness. Everything else (“Ruben sandwich”, corned beef, matzo balls, knishes and other Ashekan specialties, but not only) looks good.

Le pastrami © GP
There’s a crazy world out there. We happily queue up to eat a salad, grilled meats, or a body-filling cheesecake at any time. Priceless decor of popular snack bar, huge and without fuss. Red neon with the iconic NY decor that devours at any time…

Reuben sandwich © GP
Hats off to our friends at New York Off Roads, who organize all kinds of food tours, particularly in the “Lower East Side” and surrounding areas, and took me back there military hand, indicating that the 4th generation of Katz at the helm was, casually, rejuvenating the house style. We will speak again…

The façade © GP
Katz’s Delicatessen
2023-11-30 10:01:23
#York #slices #pastrami #Katzs