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New York: $ 15,000 fine after a Hasidic marriage to thousands of people | COVID-19 | News | The Voice of the East

DThe images released this weekend by the New York Post showed attendees singing and dancing at the wedding, which dates back to November 8. On Tuesday, Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio confirmed that the city would impose a “very heavy fine” – $ 15,000 – on the Yetev Lev synagogue in the Williamsburg neighborhood, along with a warning to close the building.

“We do not know the exact number of people” present at the wedding, but “what we are certain is that there were too many people,” said the mayor during a press briefing.

“It seems that there was a very deliberate effort to cover up the event, which makes things even more unacceptable,” he added.

“It is unacceptable that people can organize such a large event when we know that they promote the transmission” of the virus, said for his part the boss of the New York health services.

On Sunday, the governor of the State of New York Andrew Cuomo also called for an investigation into this rally organized “in flagrant defiance” of the law.

The authorities, however, appeared to want to avoid singling out the Orthodox community.

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