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New Year’s Resolutions from 2023: Insights and Goals for 2024 from Musicians, Writers, Athletes, and Public Figures

It’s happiness if you know where to go. What goals are in the wings and dreams in nitrogen? However, art is not about knowing where to go. Art is to go. This is my confidence for the past year and confidence for the New Year. May the Mother of Happiness pamper you in 2024! Be happy!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who responded to my call to think for a moment about what this year was like. Your openness is inspiring! Thank you!

Musician, songwriter and performer Linda Leen

Photo: Andrei Sergeev

My most valuable lesson for 2023 is to trust your intuition and experience. To fully acknowledge and accept myself as I am and go into the world, at work, in relationships as the most authentic version of myself. And then the right people are there or stay and the rest move on with peace. I am happy to create my tribe of like-minded people.

The New Year’s resolution is not to wait for the “right” moment, but to surf the creative wave and work productively. Record and release a new solo album. And at the same time to enjoy the process and simple life with friends, colleagues, associates.

To be among people with whom I share common values, goals, awareness.

I wish readers to be themselves as much as possible. To think, to decide, to make choices, to take responsibility. To be at the center of your life, to love yourself, the present, the given circumstances and create something valuable for yourself and the world.

LLatvian writer and film producer Lelde Kovalyova

Photo: Valentina Abrazeja

2023 was an important year in my professional growth, so I also gained several insights that help in future communication with others. Most valuable was a better understanding of professionalism in the work environment and the people we call professionals.

Working conditions in the film industry are not easy, as we have to work together for several weeks and even months, long working hours, often in challenging conditions. We get to know our colleagues better than in the standard eight working hours.

Despite what we have achieved in the professional field, I still believe that we are only at the beginning of the road and every new project, work, idea is a new challenge. Unfortunately, this year I noticed that there are people who are considered experts in their field in the public environment, but in reality their skills still need to be improved, just like communication with others – basic respect and courtesy.

I promised that in 2024 we will continue to gather people in the team who do not stop growing and are not arrogant in any way. I believe that we should all continue to learn and practice throughout our lives, even in areas where we have apparently already achieved a lot.

I am a person of goals and I believe in written things, because efforts and work are put in to fulfill them, so there are many resolutions for 2024 as well. True, I do not blame myself if I fail to fulfill something. I’m learning to “pat myself on the shoulder” and say: You’re still a bitch, everything will be fine!

I wish the readers one thing, the best that is worth getting love and friendship here on earth.

Volleyball player Anastasia Samoilova

Photo: Vadim Morozov

My New Year’s resolution is to prepare for the Olympics in such a way as to see the best version of myself – both physically and psychologically.

My words for 2024 are harmony and awareness. Harmony with yourself, work but also rest, think about yourself and your loved ones, focus on good things and don’t forget to make yourself proud.

I wish you to wake up with a smile in the New Year, so that every day is positive and full of good emotions!

Volleyball player Tina Graudiņa

Photo: Private archive

The most valuable insight of 2023. After completing my master’s degree in May 2023 and thus only playing beach volleyball, I realized that it is very important not to put all your eggs in one basket and to find a balance between sports and the rest of your life.

This was the first year for me that beach volleyball became a real job and not just an extracurricular activity, and with it all the knowledge that comes with a first job.

A New Year’s resolution is to crochet a blanket. I want to do more handicrafts.

I wish that every time there is an opportunity to help someone, we do it!

Baiba Vītiņa, host of STV program “When they meet”.

Photo: Valdis Skudre

In the new year, you want to be a little more selfish than usual. Every day I think a lot about my family and children, primarily providing for their needs and wishes, but this year I want to put myself in the foreground in order to feel in my best version both emotionally and physically.

I perceive the new year more as a reference point, when I list on a page everything that I would like to realize during the year. I always save what I write down so that on New Year’s Eve I can evaluate how much I have accomplished.

I don’t put big resolutions on the shoulders of the New Year, it seems that if you want some big changes, then any date is suitable. January 1 will definitely not be a guarantee that everything will come true.

Insight into the Old Year? Every ending is like a new beginning and it turns out that only that which changes exists.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish to find the right people by my side, who will always be a support and driving force to get closer to my dreams. All that remains is to believe in yourself and set bold goals to strive for. Let it be!

MUzike, vocal groups Framest and musical associations “Vintage” soloist Ruta Duduma Cherry

Photo from personal album

This year was a year of “self-searching” for me personally. I asked myself questions: what do I want in different areas of life? And, you know, it’s hard to articulate it, but it has to be done and focused on. Otherwise, time will really fly by and you will find that you have started several things, but have not completed them.

Sometimes you have to know how to distinguish the whims of your “inner child” from the ambitions of an adult and do only what fulfills you on this particular day, time, age.

When it comes to the people around you, you don’t have to like everyone and that’s OK. You too may not like everyone and what a relief it is when you realize that and stop pleasing others with your actions.

My New Year’s resolution will definitely not be original. Like most women around 30, they want to like themselves, love themselves, seek peace, balance. However, I already started doing all this in 2023, because, in my opinion, to start doing something for yourself and your health and well-being, you don’t have to wait for the 10, 9…3, 2, 1… report. You just have to start doing it and continue it next year. My biggest challenge – motivation and self-discipline to finish the works started, including the first album.

I would like to remind you that even in bad, sad, seemingly unsalvageable situations, you can find the positive. You just have to be able to see it.

I wish to capture everything more easily, with a good dose of humor and laughter, not to worry if someone does not think the same as you. I wish to remain authentic and not to be like anyone, not to follow the most current trends and tendencies, they end sooner or later. This time rushes by so quickly that it is physically and mentally impossible to grasp all the possibilities that the world has to offer. And you don’t have to either. It is better to call your mother, talk to your brother, cuddle your children and be happy with what you have!

Musician Katrina Gupalo

Photo: Jānis Romanovskis

In 2023, I came to the realization of how important it is to always continue learning, developing and improving. That’s exactly what I started doing with increasing enthusiasm in the New Year, and the more I did, the better I felt.

This time in the new year, I want to continue what I started and try to maintain harmony in life, where there is almost enough time for everything – music, management work, listeners, family and myself.

I still dream of finally flying to my best friend in the USA in 2024. On the other hand, I wish the readers to be happy about the beautiful things and events in life, to see more of the good and pleasant, but to try to change little by little what is not liked, causes unpleasant emotions and dissatisfaction.

Who knows – maybe it will happen and then there will be joy both for yourself and for those around you. For a more successful implementation of this task, to have strength, energy and a great feeling of well-being, I also wish to do sports, walk and make love!

Singer Katrina Dimantas

Photo: Lauris Vīksne

My most valuable lesson for 2023 is that you need to maintain your health and allow yourself to rest when you need it.

I definitely learned patience and gratitude this year because of the torn leg ligament. There is a time for everything, nothing can be missed.

I want to meet friends while traveling next year. This is already planned, but I also hope for unexpected developments. Arranged to meet Estonian friends in Mexico, but Canadian friends, for example, in America. There is a desire to be with your loved ones more. And could start thinking about releasing a second solo album.

I wish everyone good health and many happy moments. To be in the embrace of loved ones and swim in the sea of ​​smiles!

Multi-artist Jānis Krīvēns

Photo from personal album

In the new year, I resolve to take more care of my health – both physical and mental, setting an example for others who have had a similar lifestyle to mine. I promise to spend more time with my loved ones and to isolate myself less from the outside world, to socialize more when it is not only related to work. Of course, I promise to entertain with high-quality content and projects in the coming year as well.

The main thing I have learned about this year is that there is no point in planning anything, because one day you will be able to throw your plans in the trash because of the world or surrounding factors.

Live today! Maybe a little tomorrow too, but mostly today.

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2023-12-31 10:18:07

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