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New Year’s Neck Pain After BBQ Party? Beware of High Cholesterol

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia New Year’s Eve is often the right moment to hang out with family or close friends while having a BBQ party. Various menus are presented on New Year’s Eve ranging from beef, chicken to processed meats that complement the New Year’s Eve. However, you need to know that food that is processed by burning at high temperatures can remove the protein content in it.

Overcome High Cholesterol in the New Year

Apparently, the BBQ menu that is often served on New Year’s Eve has a fairly high cholesterol content, such as beef, mutton or lamb, processed meats such as sausage, bacon or hot dogs. Sone of the most recent studies in University of California, San Francisco, USA revealed that red meat can encourage increased cholesterol in the blood and can increase the risk of heart disease.

High cholesterol is usually indicated by symptoms such as dizziness, neck pain, neck pain and feeling sore shoulders. However, don’t panic first because you can overcome bad cholesterol by taking these steps:

1. Exercising Regularly

Regular exercise is the key to maintaining a healthy body. By exercising regularly, you can lower bad cholesterol levels in the body and make good cholesterol more effective.

It doesn’t have to be extreme exercise, to reduce bad cholesterol levels you can do light exercise such as jogging, cycling, swimming or walking. The most important thing is that you do it consistently.

2. Enough Sleep

Research in the journal titled Sleep explains that sleep time is associated with increased levels of cholesterol in the blood. Sleeping too short or sleeping too long both have an impact on increasing cholesterol in the blood.

Therefore, the way to overcome bad cholesterol levels in the body is to sleep or rest with sufficient and quality. This can help the liver metabolism so that bad cholesterol in the body does not accumulate. For adults, generally need as much as 8 hours of sleep.

3. Consumption of High-Fiber Foods

In order to help lower cholesterol levels in the blood, you must increase your consumption of foods rich in fiber such as vegetables and fruits. Eating fiber foods can help lower bad cholesterol levels (low density lipoprotein or LDL).

Eating high-fiber foods can also keep your stomach full for longer. So you don’t eat too much food. In a day, you are advised to consume about 500 grams of fruit and vegetables.

4. Consumption of PSE Intake

PSE or Plant Stanol Ester is a natural ingredient that is proven to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Many experts recommend consuming at least 2 grams of PSE every day.

You can find PSE in vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts and vegetable oils. You can also get additional PSE intake through alternative supplements PSE suppliers that can lower cholesterol.

5. Check Blood Pressure

Cholesterol levels are related to blood pressure. Research says that high cholesterol levels will affect blood pressure. In the Journal of Human Hypertension it is also said that those who have high cholesterol levels, also have higher blood pressure and vice versa.

So, you should regularly pay attention to your blood pressure so that you can avoid high levels of bad cholesterol in the body. JIf you do have a problem with cholesterol, avoid foods that trigger an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Consult a doctor if the symptoms experienced cannot be handled personally. Hope it is useful!

[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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