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New Year’s Eve, Mattarella: “Difficulty finding suitable words. These are days in which anguish and hope coexist”

“Pandemic challenges our life” The President of the Republic talks about this delicate moment that Italy and the whole world are going through and explains: “The pandemic has sown a sense of bewilderment: it questions life prospects. Just think of the forecast of a further decline in births, it is an indication of the uncertainty that the virus has crept into our community. This is the reality that we must recognize and face “.

“I will vaccinate as soon as I can, first who is at risk” But science “offers us the strongest weapon, prevailing over ignorance and prejudice. Never has a vaccine been made in such a short time”. For this reason, underlines Mattarela, “getting vaccinated is a choice, a duty and a responsibility, especially for those who work in close contact with the sick and for the most vulnerable. I will vaccinate as soon as possible, after the categories that, being at higher risk, must take precedence “.

“We need responsibility, the EU has taken a leap forward” “In order to start again – he highlights – we need the responsibility of the institutions above all, of the economic forces, of the social bodies, of each one of us. Seriousness, collaboration, and also a sense of duty, are necessary to protect us and to start again”. “The European Union has been able to take a leap forward. The Europe of common values ​​and citizens has prevailed – observes the President of the Republic -. It was not obvious. To the financial crisis of a decade ago, Europe responded without solidarity and without a clear vision of one’s future. Selfish interests prevailed. Old political and economic canons showed all their inadequacy. Now the choices of the European Union rest on new foundations. Italy has been a protagonist in this change “.

“Recovery plan sia serio ed efficace” “The European plan for recovery, and its national variation – which must be concrete, effective, rigorous, without wasting resources – can allow us to overcome structural weaknesses that have prevented Italy from growing as it could have. Let’s change what needs to be changed. , courageously putting ourselves back into the game “, affirms Mattarella who launches the challenge:” We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to the younger generations. Everyone does their part “.

“Mistakes have been made, but what has been achieved should not be ignored” The head of state makes a severe analysis highlighting the negative aspects that emerged in the institutional context in dealing with the coronavirus emergency. “The trust we need is built like this: keeping the responsibilities of the institutions connected with the feelings of the people. The pandemic has accentuated the limits and delays of our country. There were certainly also errors in facing a sudden and unknown reality. do more and better? Probably yes, as always, “he says. At the same time, however, he highlights what has been done so far, explaining that “however, even the positive things that have been achieved should not be ignored and has allowed the country to be maintained thanks to the commitment deployed by many parties” such as the Armed Forces and the Forces of ‘Order.

“It’s the time of the builders” “We had the ability to react. The company had to slow down but it did not stop. We are not at the mercy of events. Now we must prepare for the future – he adds -. We do not live in a parenthesis of history. This is the time of builders. The next few months represent a decisive step to get out of the emergency and to lay the foundations for a new season. No distractions are allowed. Time must not be wasted. Energy and opportunities should not be wasted in pursuit of illusory partisan advantages. This is what is being done. citizens expect “.

“No distractions, you need unity” “The challenge facing those who hold managerial roles in various fields, and in front of all of us, calls for the moral and civil unity of the Italians. It is not a question of canceling the diversity of ideas, roles, interests but of realizing that basic convergence that has allowed our country to overcome historical moments of great, sometimes dramatic, difficulties. Italy has what it takes to succeed in this enterprise “.

“It will be the year of the restart” Finally Mattarella concludes again addressing the “dear fellow citizens and fellow citizens”, “what begins will be my last year as President of the Republic. It will coincide with the first year to be dedicated to the recovery of the economic and social life of our country. The restart will be at the center of this last stretch of my mandate. It will be a year of intense work. We have the resources to make it. ”

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