Tomorrow, the 1st (Monday), New Year’s Day, there will be a temporary winter-type atmospheric pressure configuration. Therefore, as in previous years, there is a relatively high chance of clear skies in various parts of the Pacific Ocean, and fewer places on the Sea of Japan side of Honshu will be able to see it.
What about the famous New Year’s sunrise spot?
Inubosaki is worried about clouds on the horizon.
The first sunrise in Inubosaki, Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture, where you can see the first sunrise of the year in Japan, excluding mountaintops and remote islands, is around 6:46.
Although it is likely to be sunny, clouds are expected to remain off the coast of the East Sea.
Just as Mt. Fuji can be seen from within Chiba Prefecture, clouds that are far offshore can also be seen from land.
Therefore, the morning sun rising from the horizon may be obstructed by clouds. The sky is likely to be clear, so even if you can’t see the sun at sunrise on the first day of the year, it’s likely to appear a little later.
If you are planning to see it on the east coast of Kanto, such as Inubosaki or Kujukurihama, it would be a good idea to allow a little extra time.
Additionally, the first sunrise at Cape Nosappu, Nemuro City, the easternmost point of the mainland, occurs at around 6:49. Today, the 31st (Sunday), the clouds that are bringing snow to various parts of Hokkaido are likely to remain until tomorrow morning.
Clouds are gradually decreasing, but it may be difficult to see the sun, especially in the morning.
On the Pacific side of Hokkaido, the weather clears earlier in the western areas, so areas such as the Kushiro area are expected to have a good chance.
Strong northerly winds will blow nationwide tomorrow morning, so please be sure to protect yourself from the cold and enjoy the sunrise.
» Pinpoint weather forecast
Reference materials etc.
2023-12-31 08:04:00
#Tomorrows #sunrise #weather #Inubosaki #Choshi #City #Cape #Nosappu #Nemuro #City