MAKE IT HURRY – The incentives for cars with carbon dioxide emissions up to 135 g/km, as foreseen by an initiative of the former Draghi government. The January 2, 2023in fact, the state bonuses for the three infamous brackets are re-proposed. I am in everything 615 million. The pie is divided up like this: 230 million for the 0-20 g/km CO2 (electric); 235 million for the 21-60 g/km (hybrid plug-ins); and 150 million for the 61-135 g/km CO2 (petrol, diesel, hybrids). In all likelihood, as has already happened in the past, the first two endowments will wear out very slowly; while thermal tokens will crumble in no time. So, hurry, bearing in mind that the seller can book the incentive on the Ministry of Enterprise platform from 10 January 2023 (he does everything, there is no imaginary online guide to follow).
HOW MUCH MONEY – For her 0-20g/kmyou are entitled to €3,000 without scrapping ea €5,000 with scrapping. For the 21-60 g/kmrespectively €2,000 and 4,000. For the 61-135 g/kmonly with scrapping, €2,000. The used car to be “given in” must be Euro 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, in the name of the buyer or a cohabiting family member for at least 12 months (resulting in the family status).
COLUMNS, INFERNAL BUREAUCRACY – Watch out for hoaxes charging stations: for now, there is no incentive. For months now, the decree of the Ministry of Enterprise has been awaited in vain. Which will also need to establish whether the rebate is at source (as with cars) or a rebate (which would make it much less attractive).