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New Website Launched for Dutch Farmers to Check Their Nitrogen Emissions and Peak Loaders Status

NOS News

Today, the long-awaited website was launched on which farmers can see whether their company emits too much nitrogen, and whether they belong to the so-called peak loaders. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) has set up a call team for farmers who cannot find a solution on the site or who want more information. Just like the website, that number opened today, but it is not yet a storm.

Since this morning, the RVO has received thirty telephone calls. The questions that came in varied, says a spokesperson, but they were mainly about the peak tax scheme itself. This allows the largest peak loaders to sell their company for a maximum of 120 percent of the value.


Callers wanted to know more about the so-called Aerius check, the system with which the government calculates the emission of ammonia and nitrogen oxides and what this amounts to in nature reserves. A manual can be downloaded for that check. That has been done by more than 2000 people so far.

In addition, the call team had questions about the case supervisors that are made available by the government to advise farmers during the process. The intention is that this adviser will assist the farmer throughout the entire process of the buy-out scheme.


The RIVM has today Numbers announced of potential peak loaders per province. Gelderland appears to have the most companies that emit more than 2500 mol of nitrogen per year and where that nitrogen precipitates within 25 kilometers on vulnerable nature. It concerns 1803 Gelderland farms. In total, there are 3001 companies spread throughout the Netherlands that qualify as peak loaders.

Number of potential peak loaders per province in alphabetical order (Source: RIVM)

Drenthe 189 9%
Flevoland 57 1,9%
Friesland 92 3,1%
Gelderland 1803 60,1%
Groningen 0 0,0%
Limburg 262 8,7%
North Brabant 265 8,8%
North Holland 30 1,0%
Overijssel 185 6,2%
Utrecht 110 3,7%
Zeeland 4 0,1%
South-Holland 4 0,1%
Total 3001 100%

Rik Loeters, foreman of the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) ​​in Gelderland, says that he has spoken to many people who had problems with the website of the peak tax scheme. “I spoke to someone who filled it in twice and got a different result twice,” he says News hour.

According to him, many farmers still don’t know where they stand. For example, many farmers would not know how much their farm is worth, and what 120 percent of that value is. According to the BBB, there is still too little clarity about options such as innovation and relocation.

Still, he expects that 30 to 40 percent of farmers in his province will make use of the scheme. “I also advise all peak loaders to think seriously about the scheme.”

If hundreds of Gelderland farmers indeed stop in the short term, this will have an “enormous impact” on the quality of life in his province, according to Loeters.

It is unclear how many farmers have entered their data on the now launched site. The ministry says it does not keep track of that information. Minister Van der Wal has previously promised that no entered data will be stored.

Chicken and pig farmers Laura and John do not use the calculation model, because they do not trust the method:


Not all farmers check whether they are peak loaders: ‘I don’t trust the calculation model’

2023-06-12 20:35:38
#phone #calls #received #information #point #peak #loaders #site

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