‘Billie vs Benjamin’ is a comedy drama series about a left-wing girl and a right-wing boy who fall in love with each other. The lead roles are played by Charlotte Timmers, who plays the role of Billie, and Ward Kerremans, who plays the role of Benjamin. They attended the ceremony live in Berlin together with Sofie Peeters from Shelter. “What a week! And what a premiere for Billie vs Benjamin, punishment! The creation process of ‘Billie vs Benjamin’ was far from self-evident”, says Peeters. “It was a challenge to make a heavily loaded theme such as polarization and political preference widely attractive. And yet that was our clear goal from the beginning: to make a relevant topic that each of us deal with on a daily basis discussable in a witty way. I am so proud that we are already receiving international recognition for this.”
Production house Shelter has already won the prize for the second time. ‘Studio Tarara’ also won gold in the ‘best series’ category. Earlier this week, another Shelter program, ‘Da’s Liefde’ with Jens Dendoncker, was already nominated for an international Emmy Award.
‘Billie vs Benjamin’ will first join in 2022 Streamz and can be seen on VTM later in the year.