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New Variants of Corona Virus at Risk of Cause of Many Deaths

Suara.com – A new study shows that a new variant of the corona virus the mutation, which has spread in the UK, appears to be more contagious and will likely lead to higher hospitalization and death rates in the next year.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that infectious disease scientists and experts are still gathering about new variants corona virus, called SARS-CoV-2 VUI 202012/01.

Reporting from Bloomberg, Saturday (12/26/2020), Research at the Center for Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found that a new variant of COVID-19 it is 56 percent more transmissible than other strains.

Researchers focused on Southeast, East and London England say it is still uncertain whether this mutated strain is more lethal than its predecessors.

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“Even so, the increase in transmission will probably lead to an increase in cases, then hospitalization cases and deaths due to Covid-19 are predicted to be higher in 2021 than 2020, even if territorial restrictions are applied,” said the researchers.

The study authors also warned that the lockdown imposed in Britain in November is unlikely to prevent an increase in infections unless primary schools, secondary schools and universities are also closed. This means it is necessary to speed up vaccine rollout to minimize other fatal risks.

The UK government has also previously said the mutated variant appears to be as much as 70% more transmissible than other circulating strains.

In addition, Britain’s Chief Scientific Advisor, Patrick Vallance, explained that this variant has nearly two dozen mutations that can affect the proteins made by the corona virus.

Therefore, he emphasized that the vaccination rollout may need to be accelerated to contain its spread, to a level of 2 million people a week from the current rate of only 200,000.

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