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New vaccination station in Offenbach town hall

(Symbol photo: Mufid Majnun on Unsplash)

The city of Offenbach is expanding its vaccination capacities again. Children between the ages of five and eleven and people aged 60 and over can now register online for a vaccination appointment in the Stadthaus (Berliner Straße 60). The station went into operation today, Monday, December 20. The appointments can be made individually between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. when registering digitally at www.offenbach.de/impfanmeldung to be chosen.

Mayor and health department head Sabine Groß: “With the opening of the second vaccination station, with appointments and themed vaccination days, we want to create an offer that enables vaccinations without long waiting times for population groups for whom the vaccination is particularly important or for people for whom it is only a limited one There is a vaccination offer. We only offer vaccinations for this age group on Mondays and Tuesdays so that older people, as a group that continues to be particularly at risk, receive an offer without long waiting times. Not all doctors and privately operated vaccination centers carry out child vaccinations, which is why we create an exclusive vaccination offer for this 5 days a week. We have had extra-large vaccination booths built in for this offer so that there is enough space for parents and children. “

Vaccinations for children aged five to eleven

The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) recommends vaccinations for children who have risk factors for a severe corona course or relatives at high risk. However, after an individual decision and medical advice, all children of this age group can also be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been going on for several weeks for children from the age of twelve.

For five to eleven year olds, a lower dosed and differently bottled vaccine is used compared to the conventional one from Biontech. According to Stiko, two doses of the mRNA vaccine should be given at intervals of three to six weeks.
Vaccination with appointment in the town hall for children from five to eleven years and people over 60 years

The vaccination station in the town hall on Berliner Straße will start its appointment service on Monday, December 20th. The vaccination station is open Monday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. During this period, appointments can be made online. If appointments are not kept, Mayor Groß asks to cancel them immediately – so that as many people as possible have a chance to be vaccinated. Appointments are always given 14 days in advance. Registration is possible from Friday, December 17th, 6 p.m. at www.offenbach.de/impfanmeldung – after the appointment has been booked, the appointment is automatically confirmed by email. It should be noted that people over 60 years of age are only vaccinated on Mondays and Tuesdays and children from Wednesday to Sunday. A vaccination appointment for the corresponding group is only possible on these days. For all other age groups there are further vaccination offers at www.offenbach.de/impfen on the Internet.

The vaccination station recommends being there around 5 to 10 minutes before the appointment. The vaccination certificate, ID card and health insurance card are required for the vaccination. Anamnesis and information sheet for the mRNA vaccine should be filled in and signed and taken with you to the vaccination so that it goes faster. Legal guardians fill out the forms for the children. For the child vaccination, it should also be noted that all custodians of a child must agree to the vaccination. However, both of them do not need to appear for the appointment. A signature is then sufficient. The link to download the questionnaires can be found at www.offenbach.de/impfen.

The entrance to the vaccination station is at Berliner Straße 60 and is to the right of the revolving door. Those under 60 who are willing to vaccinate will be rejected, as will children under five or over 11 years of age.

In addition, two mobile vaccination teams from the city of Offenbach are still on the road throughout the city and vaccinate people who cannot leave their homes for health reasons. The mobile teams also approach retirement and nursing homes.

Opening times between the years

Bernardbau vaccination station:
December 24, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Closed December 25th
December 26, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
December 27 to December 30: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
December 31, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Closed on January 1st
Townhouse vaccination station:
By making an appointment at www.offenbach.de/impfanmeldung

Applies to all vaccination offers

First, second and booster vaccinations are offered. The vaccines from Biotechnik and Moderna are available for adults, depending on availability. Adults under the age of 30 usually receive Biontech. The booster should be given five to six months after completing the primary series. In the Offenbach vaccination stations and during mobile campaigns, you can refresh yourself after five months. People who have been vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will receive a second vaccination with an mRNA vaccine after just four weeks to build up full protection. To be vaccinated, you must bring a valid photo ID, health insurance card and vaccination certificate (if available). Since the demand for corona vaccination is still very high, waiting times must be expected for all vaccination offers without an appointment. More information on www.offenbach.de/impfen.

(Text: PM City Offenbach)

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