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New US M1A2 SEPv4 Abrams tanks

“The M1A2 Abrams System Enhancement Package version 4 (SEPv4) is an incremental update to the M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams. The Army’s intent is for the SEPv4 Abrams to improve its destructiveness and survivability, primarily by integrating technologies into the optical and fire control systems to maximize the effectiveness of the M1147 advanced multipurpose round. The Army is preparing a master test and evaluation plan for the SEPv4 Abrams, which it intends to submit to DOT&E for approval in Q2 FY2023. A deployment decision is planned for Q1 FY2026 [konec 2025],“ says the DOT&E annual report.

The aforementioned report provides encyclopedic information on all major armament programs of the US Department of Defense and the United States Armed Forces.

The SEPv4 upgrade revolves around the gunner’s GPS (Gunner Primary Sight) and the commander’s CPS (Commander Primary Sight) panoramic sensor.

Double page devoted to M1A2 SEPv4 in DOT&E annual document; larger photo / DOT&E

The GPS will get a new thermal imaging sensor FLIR (Forward Looking InfraRed) of the 3rd generation (3GEN FLIR), the optical channel will be replaced by a color camera and an improved laser rangefinder will be added. The command CPS will also receive a 3GEN FLIR, a color camera will be added as a day channel and a laser range finder with a laser designator function. Using CPS, the Abrams commander can laser mark targets for artillery or air-guided munitions—for example Paveway bombs dropped from drones or bullets Hellfire / Spike fired from Apache helicopters from a safe distance, out of reach of enemy air defenses.

Using its sensors and lasers, the Abrams SEPv4 can therefore determine the exact coordinates of targets several kilometers away and/or mark them with a laser. Using state-of-the-art digitized command and control systems, information about “tagged” targets will travel virtually instantly (without the need to relay the information by voice) to the appropriate missile, artillery, mortar or air units. They then use laser- or satellite-guided munitions on the selected targets as needed.

The new OMFV (Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle) infantry fighting vehicles will also get the same GPS / CPS with 3GEN FLIR. Even OMFVs can therefore mark targets or determine their coordinates.

3GEN FLIR increases target identification range by up to 2.6x compared to the legacy 2GEN FLIR system and enables day and night operations in all battlefield conditions (dust, rain, snow, smoke) and in all weather conditions.


To improve fire accuracy, the Abrams SEPv4 will receive a new meteorological sensor, while the fire control system will be fully integrated with the M1147 programmable multi-purpose munition. This new type of ammunition replaces four types of ammunition (M830, M830A1, M1028 and M908) and adds new capabilities – creating passages in walls / houses (including durable reinforced concrete walls) and destroying mobile anti-tank teams at long distances.

Other features of SEPv4 are an improved diagnostic system, an improved climate control system for the crew and vehicle electronics, plus a more advanced laser beam detection and warning system. This new system can precisely determine the place from which the tank is irradiated with a laser beam and autonomously turn the remote-controlled CROWS (Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station) combat module with a 12.7 mm machine gun and powerful thermal imaging sensors to this place.

There is also talk of introducing systems using machine learning (especially recognition and understanding of image information) and more advanced simulation technologies for more effective crew training.

M1A2 SEPv3 with CROWS station and M2A1 12.7 mm machine gun; larger photo / US Army

Completion was also announced integration of M1A2 SEPv3 tanks with Trophy active defense system (APS).. It is not yet known to what extent the US Army intends to implement the APS Trophy. But the installation of Trophy is not “free” – it adds another 2270 kilograms to the weight of the tank.

Operational tests of the first SEPv4 Abrams will begin in the second quarter of 2025, with a decision on serial production in the first quarter of 2026. All US Army SEPv3 tanks will then transition to the SEPv4 standard. After all, Poland also intends to all of its 116 M1A1FEP and 250 M1A2SEPv3 eventually adjust to the SEPv4 standard.

Now there is widespread talk about the delivery of Abrams tanks to Ukraine or even to those European countries that donate Leopard 2 to Ukraine. But the information about the delivery of Leopard 2 / Abrams to Ukraine is very confusing, diverging and often changing. But one thing is certain – Ukraine will get Leopard 2 and Abrams tanks sooner or later. And orders for hundreds of new tanks will soon come from other European countries.

M1A2 SEPv3

The Czech Ministry of Defense asked the Americans for Abrams tanks a year ago. However, the delivery dates were only after 2030. At the same time, Poland will receive refurbished and improved Abrams tanks, or even new ones, much faster.

In the end, the Czech Republic took advantage of the German offer and received 14 older Leopard 2A4 tanks for the forwarded T-72 tanks. According to the latest news, these should be delivered quickly already in the spring of this year. Apparently, the Czech Republic, in cooperation with Slovakia, will buy new Leopard 2A7+ tanks. It is not a fixed plan, but an obvious direction for the development of the Czech and Slovak tank troops. In any case, Germany is starting to “step on” the gas with the Leopard 2 tanks, because confidence in the ability, willingness and capabilities of the German arms industry has suffered significant wounds in recent weeks and months. And a number of European countries are seriously considering the purchase of non-German military equipment. For example, he is considering buying Abrams before Leopards.

Let’s debunk a few myths about Abrams. M1A2 SEPv3 combat weight is 66.6 tons (reference 2), The Leopard 2A7V weighs 66.4 tons. The latest Leopard 2A7+ is even heavier than the Abrams. Also, the specific pressure of the tracks on the ground is similar for the latest Leopards and Abrams.

Another myth is the fuel consumption of Abrams vs. Leopard 2. The German tank may burn 20% less fuel than its American counterpart, but the Leopard 2 runs on diesel, the American tank on JP-8 fuel, which is about a quarter cheaper than diesel. So the Leopard may use less fuel, but at the same or higher cost than the Abrams. In addition, the Abrams can burn a variety of fuels, such as JP-5, JP-8, and diesel.

Source: DOT&E

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