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“New Urban Employment in Liaoning Province Increases by 18.8% in Q1 2023”

Liaoning: New urban employment increased significantly in the first quarter

Release time: April 27, 2023

Source of information: Xinhuanet

In the first quarter of this year, the employment data of Liaoning Province was eye-catching, with 125,000 new urban jobs in the province, a year-on-year increase of 18.8%. The proportion of new employment among the 18-45-year-old group has steadily increased, and the overall employment situation in the province is stable.

The reporter learned the above information at the press conference on the economic situation in the first quarter of Liaoning Province held on April 25.

Gu Xiaohong, deputy director of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, said that since the beginning of the year, Liaoning Province has focused on key groups such as the unemployed and provided employment assistance from all aspects and from multiple perspectives. As of the end of March, 264,000 migrant workers in Liaoning have been reemployed, 115,000 unemployed people have been reemployed, and 18,000 people with employment difficulties have been employed. Various unemployment insurance benefits of 1.36 billion yuan were paid in full and on time.

In 2023, there will be about 370,000 fresh graduates in Liaoning Province, and the pressure on the total number will not decrease. Since the beginning of the new year, Liaoning has seized the job-seeking window period for college graduates, and the employment service has been planned and intervened in advance. Organized 181 activities for the recruitment of graduates returning home during the winter vacation, joint recruitment in large and medium-sized cities, and public employment services entering the campus, providing 162,000 jobs. 2,923 public institutions in the province have launched centralized and open recruitment, providing 8,662 positions, and more than 50% of the positions are for fresh graduates.

Efforts should be made to alleviate the “dilemma” between recruitment and employment. In the first quarter, Liaoning released a policy bonus of 1.158 billion yuan in aiding enterprises to reduce burdens, allocated 375 million yuan in return funds for 5,229 enterprises, and stabilized 742,000 jobs. Carried out vocational skills training for 35,000 person-times. The province surveyed 194 major projects, 1,811 key enterprises, held 4,616 job fairs, and helped market players solve 190,000 employment gaps.

“In the next step, we will further anchor our goals. We will strive to organize and hold more than 1,000 special recruitment sessions throughout the year, and go to villages, schools, factories, and communities to “send policies”, “jobs”, “services” and “publicity” more than 150,000 times. Solve the employment gap of more than 600,000, and focus on creating a new situation in employment.” Gu Xiaohong said.

Editor in charge: Zhang Yanjun

2023-04-27 02:12:21
#Peoples #Government #Liaoning #Province #Liaoning #China

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