With weight loss, it is possible to treat type 2 diabetes into remission, says the updated Käypä hoito recommendation.

Diabetes is a disease of sugar metabolism, the symptoms of which are caused by high blood sugar. Adobe Stock / AOP
Obesity, and especially central obesity, is one of the most significant risk factors for diabetes. According to the National Diabetes Register, there are approximately 378,898 people with type 2 diabetes in Finland. In addition, approximately 100,000 people are estimated to have the disease without knowing it.
Lifestyle changes and weight management are key in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. According to the updated Käypä hoito recommendation, it is possible to treat an overweight person to remission of early-stage type 2 diabetes with significant weight loss and subsequent weight control. Remission means the reduction or disappearance of the signs and symptoms of the disease.
Diabetes is a disease of sugar metabolism, the symptoms of which are caused by high blood sugar. In the disease, the body does not produce enough insulin, which normally lowers the blood glucose concentration, i.e. the fasting sugar value. Over the years, insulin production can become completely depleted.
Diabetes is associated with a considerable risk of cardiovascular diseases, and sometimes type 2 diabetes is only diagnosed on the basis of developed additional diseases or in connection with heart blood clots.
Risk factors for type 2 diabetes are, for example, dyslipidemias, i.e. abnormal blood fat values, high blood pressure, smoking, abnormally high blood sugar, overweight and psychosocial risk factors, which must be treated comprehensively. In addition to drug treatment that improves the prognosis, multiprofessional guidance and support is needed.
Positive effects with a 5 percent weight loss
Weight control is central to the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The goal is a diet that is favorable in terms of glucose balance and weight control and that reduces the risk of arterial diseases. Even a 5 percent weight loss has positive effects, but diabetes remission usually requires a more significant weight loss.
The goal of treating hyperglycemia, i.e. high blood sugar, is symptom-free and prevention of the development of acute and chronic complications. In addition to lifestyle changes, it is recommended to start metformin medication at the diagnosis stage of diabetes.
Sources: Käypa treatment and Iltalehti archive.
Lifestyle can influence type 2 diabetes.
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