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New therapies that study and use farts against cancer, heart attacks and strokes

In a precedent article we tackled the issue of what the gases we produce can reveal to us about our intestines. Now, however, we will focus on what may be the new therapies that study and use farts against cancer, heart attacks and strokes.

In fact, it is news that in Great Britain, l’Exter University, has just published a study on Medicinal Chemistry Communications on this topic. Indeed, it seems that farts may be the basis of new useful therapies against tumors, strokes and heart attacks.

The hydrogen sulphide produced by bacteria during the digestive phase would have beneficial and protective effects on the body. However, this would only apply if present in small quantities in the cells.

Going into more detail, the scientists with these new experiments are trying to create a compound called AP39 in the laboratory. With this compound, small amounts of hydrogen sulfide would be produced to be sent to the cells.

The assumptions of the research

Taking a step back, the theory that the researchers started from is very interesting. It would seem that, if a disease is present in our organism, the cells, to regulate their inflammations, produce, through enzymes, small quantities of hydrogen sulphide.

The latter is very useful for the proper functioning of the mitochondria responsible for the production of that essential energy for controlling inflammation. The compound AP39 can, therefore, become essential for new therapies against tumors and various diseases

Therefore, the use of new therapies that study and use farts against cancer, heart attacks and strokes is not a surreal hypothesis but much more concrete than what is thought.

At the moment, the results are limited but very good. In fact, single stressed cells that have been treated with AP39 have their mitochondria protected and the cells stay alive.

Now we need to move on to human experimentation

We need to move on to the next phase of experimentation on humans and hope that there can be excellent results. If so, this would be a very important discovery for the fight against some cardiovascular diseases, as well as for cancer and even dementia.

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