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New Theory Explains How Planet Earth Formed

KOMPAS.com – Some of you may be wondering about the theory of how Earth, planet what we live in is formed.

So far, the generally accepted idea as the most likely explanation is that the Earth formed from the gradual accretion of asteroids.

“The prevailing theory in astrophysics and cosmochemistry is that the Earth was formed from chondrite asteroids,” said planetary expert Paolo Sossi of ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Quoted from PhysMonday (11/7/2022) Chondritic asteroids are relatively small and simple blocks of rock and metal and were formed from the start Solar system.

But in the theory there are still some facts planet formation which is hard to explain.

“The problem with this theory is that no chondrite mixture can explain the exact composition of Earth, which is less volatile elements such as hydrogen and helium than we thought,” said Sossi.

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This is what finally makes a lot of question marks about the process of planet formation, including the theory how the earth was formed.

Therefore, the research team was looking for other solutions to find out how the Earth was formed.

Now in a new study, combining experimentation with modeling, researchers have revealed a formation path that is much more compatible with Earth’s characteristics.

“The dynamic model we used to simulate planet formation shows that the planets in our Solar System formed progressively. Small particles grew over time into kilometer-sized planetesimals by accumulating more matter through their gravitational pull,” explains Sossi.

Similar to chondrites, planetesimals are also small stones and metals.

However, the planetesimals were heated enough to differentiate into a metallic core and a rocky mantle.

Also read: Lithosphere, Earth’s Uppermost Layer of Skin and Formed from Rock

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