Innovation in technology has created new possibilities and exciting opportunities for humanity. One such advancement is in the field of wireless power transfer, where devices draw energy without being connected physically to a power source. However, wireless power transfer is still limited by the availability of energy sources. This limitation has prompted research into a new solution: RF energy harvesting. RF energy harvesting is the process of collecting energy from ambient radio waves, making it an alternate and self-sustaining source of energy. This article explores the latest advancements in RF energy harvesting and wireless power transfer technologies, and their future prospects in various industries.
Researchers from Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Universidade de Aveiro, The Hague, McGill University, University of Bordeaux, Polytechnique Montreal, and others have published a technical paper called “RF Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer for Energy Autonomous Wireless Devices and RFIDs”. The article explores the development and potential of radio frequency (RF) energy harvesting and wireless power transmission (WPT) technologies, including rectennas, WPT transmitters, and SWIPT. The paper also discusses recent advances in flexible rectennas design and the possibility of powering RFID systems using millimeter wave power from 5G networks. The journal article is available to read on the IEEE website and was published in April 2023.
In conclusion, the RF energy harvesting and wireless power transfer technologies are ushering in a new era of convenience and sustainability in our daily lives. With the increasing need for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions, these technologies are set to revolutionize the way we power our devices and machines. Moreover, the potential for innovation and growth in this field is limitless, and we can expect to see continued developments and improvements in the coming years. As such, the future is bright for RF energy harvesting and wireless power transfer technologies, and their impact on society is bound to be far-reaching and multifaceted.