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New tax amnesty, extension Scrapping folders? Announcements

The terms of payment of the Tax peace si are closed on December 9, 2021. In particular, the deadline for payment of the installments referred to Scrapping ter e Balance and excerpt were closed on December 14, 2021. The latter date also included gods five days of tolerance provided for by the legislation, for which all payments receivedRevenue Agency – Collection by 14 December 2021, are intended in Rule, for which the taxpayer does not lose the tax benefit, but above all, he does not see the resurrection interest and penalties.

That said, one of the flagships of the political majority resumed with insistence in recent days concerns the extension for the regularization of installments of Scrapping ter and Balance and excerpt under the responsibility of 2020 e 2021. A further deferral is requested by several political forces, much more incisive than the previous one in December. In summary, you ask alignment of deadlines of the fiscal Peace to the State of emergency. However, we are still talking about requests and nothing that comes close to an official act.

The real problem is with the massive decay recorded in the payment of the installments of the Scrapping ter and Balance and excerpt due to the Revenue Agency – Collection by December 14, 2021. It is possible that something will move by doing postpone the deadlines to 2022, allowing taxpayers not to forfeit the benefit of the facilitated definition.

Currently, the terms have expired, those who have not settled the installments due by 14 December 2021, no longer enjoy the benefit granted by the fiscal Peace. Indeed, without a decisive intervention by the Draghi government, millions of taxpayers will soon have to deal not only with the return of the entire debt registered in the role, but also with all enforcement procedures fielded by the Revenue Agency – Collection for recovery of the entire credit.

New tax amnesty or extension Scrapping folders?

Future projections would push for a alignment of deadlines with what State of Emergency. Or, at the very least, an introduction to a blocking of the collection activity with the entrance of a maxi Peace fiscal 2022.

The introduction of new maxi tax amnesty would allow all those who have lost the benefit of the facilitated definition to be able to join the new installments, at the same time, the new tax bills.

In short, the projections focus on a system that allows taxpayers to honor debts, but above all, to the Collector of recover credits. Basically, it would still allow itself to to be able to pay in 2022, the swag of the installments of the Scrapping ter and Balance and excerpt expiring on November 30, which was followed by a short if not incisive extension to the December 9, 2021. In addition, the possibility of being able to join a new tool, such as a Scrapping quater to raise the pockets of millions of families and businesses.

For the moment, they’re all about one firm of the Collection (payments and notifications), the Lega and the Brothers of Italy, that they presented several amendments linked to the text of the DDL Budget 2022, on the interruption of the activity of the Revenue Agency – Collection, at least for the duration of the state of emergency.

On the merits, it must be said that in the tax decree there is a shift equal to 180 days in the payment of tax notices notified with effect from the month of September 2021 until December 31 2021. With effect from January 1, 2022 the ordinary term of 60 days.

We recommend watching the YouTube video of the Revenue Agency – Collection on how to pay the tax bills in installments.

Scrapping ter and Balance and excerpt 2021: check the extension to 2022

The Italian government has extended the current one State of emergency expiring by December 31, 2021 up to the month of March 2022. A proposal that plays in favor of stop of the activity of the Revenue Agency – Collection. Or, at least, on this basis it would push the political majority to take the “home” extension on the installments of the Scrapping ter and Balance and excerpt expired on December 14, 2021.

A deferral present in various amendments connected to the text of the 2022 Budget Bill. In fact, not only is the deferral of the installments of the Fiscal peace in 2022, but also a new intervention by Scrapping of tax bills.

The demands of the political majority are not limited only to the stop of payment folder notifications, but also to the introduction of a new maxi tax Peace which would allow lapsed taxpayers to be readmitted to the benefit of the facilitated definition.

The real issue is related to the postponement of the state of emergency to March 2022, which should also include a series of measures and measures related to the emergency situation.

Besides all it must be said that, times are somewhat tight for every possible decision. It goes without saying that the Draghi government will have to close all issues relating to the issue in the next few days Budget Law 2022, in view of the opening in the new fiscal year.

The answer cannot be to leave things as they are, regardless of theabsence of citizens’ purchasing power. The Draghi Government needs to understand that families haven’t registered that yet economic recovery in the family budgeton the contrary, the feeble disposable income of families is further put severely tested by price increases of basic necessities.

Scrapping Quater or tax amnesty: the news on Fiscal Peace 2022?

The forecasts focused on the introduction of a new fiscal Peace linked to the Budget Law 2022. The keen hope that the Draghi Government to introduce in 2022 the Scrapping quater, seems to fade more every day. Nothing new can be glimpsed on the front of a new Scrapping of the tax bills.

The problems of the Executive are directed elsewhere, financial resources are lacking necessary to support this and other urgent measures left at the mercy of the waves.

Too many measures that risk destroying theand state coffers, from the tax authorities to pensions, everything is played on a higher role of the parties what appears and little about the substance.

A veil that masks the real needs of citizens, aimed at chasing interventions on new folder notifications, little is apparent about a real extension of the installments of the Scrapping ter and Balance and excerptnor of one new facilitated definition that includes roles from 2019 to today.

Scrapping of the tax bills, the mini excerpt of the debts registered in the role

Without detracting from the payments of installments of the Scrapping Ter e Balance and excerpt, it must also be understood that the Tax peace wanted by Draghi for 2021, has foreseen what excerpt of the tax bills.

In particular, the tax collection roles included between 2000 but to 2010 included. In other words, millions of citizens have enjoyed one excerpt of folders up to the amount of 5.000 euro (gross). Admission to the tax benefit was subject to the presence of a IRPEF income up to 30,000 euros.

Here, the reason why the Italian government, despite the requests of a deferral of maturities to 2022, promoted a mini extension until the December 14, 2021. Basically, the Draghi government took note only of the part of the taxpayers admitted to tax amnesty, which in fact, has also invested the Scrapping ter and Balance and excerpt.

In all of this, millions of taxpayers have enjoyed one automatic extraction of folders, that has reduced the debt registered in the role.

Accounting analyst, born in 1971.
Obtained the postgraduate diploma of Accounting Analyst, at theS. Rosa di Nola Professional Institute for Commerce, I have collaborated with various newspapers. I am currently a general information editor on pension, current affairs, taxation and employment issues. I have a pure bias on tax issues and I have chosen to help readers, with my words, to find a simple path in the complex labyrinth of legislation. The truth! I love to write, every news is worth telling, with heart, emotion and passion.

My motto is? “The value of a person lies in what he is capable of giving and not in what he is capable of taking”.

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