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New Target Finds Alien

VIVA – Humans are always curious about existence alien since old time. Whether they are real or imaginary, however, so far there is no evidence that aliens exist. The alien hunters are still focused on searching on Earth-like planets.

The thought is quite reasonable because the Earth is a rocky world and covered in water. But, for this vast universe, of course there is a possibility that there are places suitable for aliens to inhabit, other than planets like Earth.

In their latest study, the researchers identified a group of alien worlds they named Planet Hycean, which is 2.5 times larger than Earth and has a huge ocean of liquid water under a hydrogen-rich atmosphere.

The Hycean Planet group appears to be very abundant throughout the Milky Way galaxy and they can host microbial life similar to the extremophiles that thrive in some of the harshest environments on Earth.

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