Home » today » Business » New Supports Against High Bills: Extended Superbonus Al 110% and Petrol Bonuses – Italy

New Supports Against High Bills: Extended Superbonus Al 110% and Petrol Bonuses – Italy


New supports against high bills are being studied, petrol bonuses against high fuel costs and a further squeeze on the Superbonus

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An extension of at least three months of the superbonus al 110% for condominiums (as anticipated by Il Sole 24 Ore on newsstands on 6 September). According to what is learned from parliamentary and government sources, this is the hypothesis under study to guarantee the subsidy to condominiums who have not completed the works by the end of the year. The extension, which would extend the possibility of using the subsidy expiring this year to the first three months of 2024, would in any case be linked to the achievement of a certain threshold of progress of the works, which could be around 60-70%. The superbonus, which dropped to 90% in 2023, remained at 110% only for condominiums that had approved the works and presented the Cila by November 2022.

The majority summit on the economic maneuver is underway, with Prime Minister Meloni. As known, new supports against high bills, petrol bonuses against high fuel costs and a further squeeze on the Superbonus are being studied. Deputy Prime Minister Salvini ensures the unity of the majority. «We will be unanimous, in agreement, serious and concrete. The common goal is to put the money that is there, a little or a lot we will see, for the increase in salaries and pensions».

Bloomberg: possible deficit hike to 5%

A difficult maneuver, with a deficit of 2023 which – thanks to the superbonus – could be revised upwards in the new Nadef estimates. Considering the data on the Superbonus, which must be taken into account, and those on the trend of the economy, the 4.5% of GDP indicated in the Def could rise this year – as anticipated by an analysis by Bloomberg – towards 5%.

Salvini: the Italian European Commissioner looks like a foreigner

«During this period I had the impression of having a European commissioner playing with another national team’s shirt. More than making suggestions, he raised complaints and criticisms ». So again Salvini, speaking in Rome at an Acea conference. The only Italian exponent in the EU executive is Paolo Gentiloni in charge of economic and monetary affairs.

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Wolves: united to concentrate resources on families and businesses

«We arrive at tonight’s majority summit united and cohesive, focused on the possibilities of implementing the center-right’s program and making our contribution of responsibility, concreteness and seriousness. Our proposal is to avoid dispersing the already limited funds available to concentrate resources on families and businesses: parental leave, single allowance and deduction for school expenses must be increased, and the cut in the tax wedge must be made structural to increase salaries to the workers”. The leader of Noi Moderati Maurizio Lupi says so in view of the meeting.

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2023-09-06 18:45:00
#Superbonus #condominiums #extension #months #studied #Salvini #attacks #commissioner #Gentiloni #foreigner

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