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New super green pass decree, when does it come into force and what does it provide for no vax- Corriere.it

from Monica Guerzoni and Fiorenza Sarzanini

Today the new decree on the super green pass: it will be decided whether the narrow scatter from the white zone. The measure could come into effect as early as next week

The decree that will allow only the vaccine and there healed to get the super green pass to attend social, recreational and cultural activities could go into effect next week, perhaps already thereunit 29 novembre, at the most December 6. Now Mario Draghi wants to run and evaluates thevaccination obligation for the police. Also for the school staff the decision matures, but the premier wants a further study on this. The choice could be postponed to a subsequent decree on the school to be launched with the green light to vaccine for children aged 5 to 11, which will arrive after the Aifa and will be optional.

The control room at 11 and Cdm at 15.30

Today in Palazzo Chigi, at 11, the premier will meet the control room politics to undo the last knots. On the agenda of the decisive day there is, at 15.30, the cabinet for the go-ahead, which should be unanimous. The League regrouped on the line of Massimiliano Fedriga and the governors of the North and even Matteo Salvini resigned himself to approving the tightening. I will be the Prime Minister Mario Draghi to illustrate the news to the Italians in a press conference from Palazzo Chigi.

The decree

The plant is ready, the declared goal. To avoid the closures of activities and businesses in the coming weeks and during the Christmas holidays, Italy, as well as other European countries, decides to exclude those who have chosen not to be immunized from recreational activities. In front of a fast ascent of the epidemiological curve, which without the solution of the super green pass would cause new limitations for all Italians, we choose to impose bans only to no vax. The crucial decision to be taken whether the stop for non-immunized people should be triggered throughout Italy without distinction, starting from the white zone, or only starting from the yellow risk band.

White zone or yellow zone

Per Fedriga, Fontana e Zaia the distinction between super green pass and green certificate obtained with the swab must start only when a territory sees worsening hospital data and change colour. According to the other presidents, the restrictions should already apply in the white zone. Draghi’s position will be decisive, which apparently would prefer a greater graduality, therefore the yellow zone.

The swab

To go to work, the negative molecular or antigenic buffer will suffice.

The list of prohibitions

Unvaccinated people will be prevented from attending bars, restaurants, cinemas, theaters, stadiums and sports halls, swimming pools and gyms, ski resorts, discos and game rooms.


In view of the Christmas holidays, the government is ready to impose the green pass for hotel guests.

In yellow band
take the closing of discos and the managers are already ready for new protests. The government could change the law and provide that the dance clubs, with the super green pass, remain open even in the yellow band.

Vaccination obligation

The very delicate issue of the generalized vaccination obligation is also being assessed at Palazzo Chigi. Dragons cautious, if not opposed. For legal reasons: many constitutionalists cultivate doubts. For political reasons: Salvini would make the barricades, Renzi is not in favor and even in the Democratic Party not everyone agrees. Then because the prime minister does not believe that the Italian health situation requires such an extreme measure, which would have a heavy impact on the world of work with consequences that are difficult to manage.

Duration of the green pass

The validity of the green pass should decrease to 9 months but the final word will have to be given Cts called today at 13.

Third dose

With a circular the Minister of Health has shortened the time for the third dose, which can be done 5 months after the second. The government ready to to drop the limitations by bands, as the governors ask, but the green light for the recall for all should not be in this decree. The text, on the other hand, will contain the obligation of the third dose for healthcare workers and RSA workers. And the obligation for law enforcement.

Outdoor masks

In the control room the theme of return of the outdoor mask, but at Palazzo Chigi they hope that the measure is not necessary.

Entry into force

Many governors and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza push for the decree to come into force Monday 29 November. The choice will be made with General Figliuolo I take into account that many hubs have been closed.

Article being updated …


November 24, 2021 (change November 24, 2021 | 11:05)

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