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New study: viruses discovered on toothbrushes and shower heads

Viruses on toothbrushes and shower heads? That sounds worrying at first. But quite the opposite: researchers are enthusiastic about the previously unknown biodiversity and see great opportunities for medical progress.

The trade magazine Frontiers in Microbiomes has a new one in October 2024 Study published by microbiologists at Northwestern University in the USA. The result: living on our toothbrushes and showerheads over 600 different types of viruses – many of them previously unexplored or completely unknown.

But don’t worry: Although health alarm bells ring at the idea of ​​viruses, the researchers give the all-clear. In fact, they see a big deal in the discovery Potential for progress in medical research.

Background of the study: Hygiene in the bathroom

Researchers wanted to investigate possible hygiene risks in the bathroom. then they came across previously unknown viruses.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / jarmoluk)

But how did microbiologists discover the viruses in the first place?

The research team, led by Erica M. Hartmann, initially had an interest in possible hygiene risks in the bathroom. The background to this original Research paper from 2021 was based on the knowledge that microbes feel most comfortable in moist environments.

The scientists wanted to find out whether viruses that are harmful to health multiply in the bathroom if they are passed through the bathroom Toilet flushing be stirred up. The team analyzes shower heads and toothbrushes from different households.

Building on this research, the researchers collected samples from 96 shower heads and 34 Toothbrushesto examine them for microbiological diversity. The results were amazing.

Viruses on toothbrushes and shower heads: What researchers found

The study found over 600 virus types.The study found over 600 virus types.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / mafia mafie)

The study included a total of 614 Virus nitrogen discovered. To that said Hartmann:

“The number of viruses we found is really amazing. (…) On the one hand, we found viruses that we still know little about and, on the other hand, we found viruses that we didn’t know existed before.”

The viruses are so-called The bacteriophage (Phagen). The bacteriophage are bacterial viruses, also called bacteria eaters only infect bacteria and reproduce in their host organism. They are known to science, but have not yet been researched much.

In medicine there is particular interest in bacterial viruses because they have the potential to Infectious diseases triggered by antibiotic-resistant germs to fight. That would be a major advance for science.

More about it here: When antibiotics fail: Now viruses fight disease-causing bacteria

In addition, it might be possible in the future for more hygiene without having to rely on antimicrobial products. This would be a particularly gentle type of cleaning that would avoid the use of harsh chemicals, which ultimately kill the benign bacteria.

It is therefore impressive what a previously unknown one biodiversity can be found in our bathrooms. The research team’s discovery is met with a lot of hope among experts and underlines the need for further research in the field.

No health risk

Viruses on showerheads are not a cause for concern for human health. Viruses on showerheads are not a cause for concern for human health.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / 955169)

So the viruses on toothbrushes and shower heads are a great discovery for science and medicine. The microbiologists also give All clear – from the bacterial viruses no health risk for people out of. You don’t have to remove them.

So what does the discovery mean for everyday life in the bathroom? The finding represents another reason to avoid using synthetic chemical clubs for cleaning. Such agents not only harm the environment, but also the diversity of bacteria. Instead you should on natural cleaning methods fall back. You will find tips and advice in the following guides:

Even with yours toothbrush you can on Hygiene regard. Clean with an electric toothbrush regularly to rid them of harmful germs. A regular one You should change your toothbrushif you have used it for several months.

But even then, in terms of sustainability: Don’t throw away old toothbrushes: This is how you can use them.

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