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“New Study: Star Trails Mistaken for Escaping Black Hole, Actually Thin Galaxies”

Updated: May 11, 2023 10:24

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(source: Pixabay/Genti)

Yale astronomers said last April that they had seen an escaping black hole. Meanwhile, another group of scientists believes that the star trails are actually thin or flat galaxies.

It’s the so-called roaming monster sighting and sparked much excitement in the scientific community when it was uncovered last month.

But what was originally thought to be the first glimpse at a ‘runaway’ supermassive black hole hurtling through the universe has now been mooted.

Quoted from the page Daily Maila new study claims to have ‘solved’ the mystery by suggesting that the star trails seen by the Hubble Space Telescope are actually a relatively common type of galaxy known as flat or sparse galaxies.

This challenges the theory that stars are waking up from a massive black hole that plows into the gas in front of it and triggers star formation.

Yale University researchers have proposed that the runaway object escaped after two galaxies merged about 50 million years ago, coalescing a supermassive black hole at its center.

A simpler explanation: A new study suggests star trails that were originally thought to be ‘escaping’ supermassive black holes are actually a relatively common type of galaxy known as flat, or thin, galaxies.

Then, when the third galaxy came by Blakhole or the black hole itself, the three mix together, causing a ‘chaotic and unstable configuration’.

What’s that Flat or Thin Galaxies or Flat Galaxy? Flat or thin galaxies without bulges are known as disk galaxies. It has a thin, rotating disk of gas, dust, and stars at its center and is of two main types: spiral and lenticular.

The lack of bulges in disk galaxies is one of their defining characteristics and what makes them appear flat like a disk.

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2023-05-11 03:12:36
#Mystery #Escaped #Supermassive #Blackhole

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