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New study solves the riddle of the south pole of Mars

One of the predictions about Mars andI know that the planet will suffer with climate change, since its atmospheric pressure could change in value as the planet wobbles on its axis during its orbit around the Sun.

This idea is part of the theory of Leighton and Murray, which states that their poles will be with more or less sunlight.

In addition, he adds that as exposure to sunlight changes, the atmospheric pressure of Mars could be balanced from a quarter of its atmosphere.

Recently, evidence has been found to support this theory, according to the new Peter Buhler model of the JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) and which was published in the journal Nature Astronomy.

In its finding a massive deposit of CO2 ice and water ice in alternate strata was found, which extend with a thin layer of CO2 ice on top.

Experts found that this tank contains CO2 throughout the atmosphere of Mars. Therefore, it went through an evolution, which determined the constant inclination of the red planet, the different way in which CO2 ice and water ice reflects sunlight and increased atmospheric pressure.

“Usually, when you run a model, the results are not expected to match so closely with what you see. But the thickness of the layers, as determined by the model, matches wonderfully with the radar measurements of the satellites in orbit, “Buhler published as part of the study.

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