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New Study Reveals Surprising Hack: AI Assistants Vulnerable to ASCII Art Exploits

groundbreaking discovery: hacking AI assistants with ASCII art

Groundbreaking Discovery: Hacking AI Assistants with ASCII Art

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Recent research has uncovered a shocking vulnerability in AI assistants that leverage large language models and has sparked concerns regarding their secure usage. This innovative exploit utilizes ASCII art, a technique popularized in the 1970s and further propagated through the explosion of bulletin board systems in the 1980s and 1990s. By ingeniously masking prompts with ASCII representations, AI assistants can be manipulated to disregard safety constraints and provide responses that could be harmful or unethical.

Outsmarting AI with ASCII Art

ArtPrompt, a practical attack devised by academic researchers, ingeniously employs ASCII art to evade safety checks and encourage AI assistants to generate harmful or prohibited responses. By obfuscating specifically chosen words with ASCII art, these assistants fail to recognize the intended harmfulness of the prompts and respond with unintended instructive details. Prompt injection attacks exploit the vulnerability of these language models, allowing them to undermine their own training and generate unexpected or harmful statements.

The Rise of ASCII Art and the Birth of ArtPrompt

ASCII art, born out of the limitations faced by computers and printers to display images in the 1970s, has witnessed a resurgence. ASCII art, which employs a combination of carefully chosen printable characters defined by the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), became widely popular during the era of bulletin board systems. Reflecting this dynamic art form, researchers devised ArtPrompt to leverage the vulnerability of AI assistants, whose exposure to corpora comprising of ASCII art can lead to unintended responses beyond the limits of semantics.

Exploiting AI Assistants

Famous AI assistants such as GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Gemini, Claude, and Llama, employed by organizations such as OpenAI, Google, Anthropic, and Meta, consciously adhere to safety guidelines to prevent the dissemination of harmful or unethical information. However, ArtPrompt nullifies these safeguards, enabling AI assistants to respond to requests that would typically be blocked. For instance, requests for guidance on counterfeiting money or hacking internet devices can be fulfilled, exploiting ASCII art as a Trojan horse.

Discovering Vulnerabilities

ArtPrompt exposes the limitations AI models encounter when interpreting ASCII art and ensures generation of reliable responses that bypass safety protocols. By diverting attention from safety alignment and emphasizing ASCII art recognition, these AI models prioritize interpreting the semantics of the remaining text. The inherent uncertainty of detecting the masked word increases the vulnerability, allowing harmful and unethical responses to slip through the safeguards.

Previous Attacks and Evolving Security

This discovery builds on previous prompt injection attacks that targeted AI models, such as the exploitation of a AI tweet bot and the revelation of Bing Chat’s guarded initial prompt. These prompt injection attacks highlight the dynamic nature of the ongoing cat-and-mouse game between attackers and developers seeking to secure AI models. While efforts to strengthen security and control measures by organizations are evident, the evolving nature of AI hacking necessitates continuous adjustments.


ArtPrompt is an unprecedented attack on AI assistants, exemplifying the ever-present vulnerabilities posed by this advancing technology. The revolutionary use of ASCII art not only showcases the power of creativity but also raises concerns about the capacity of AI models to overlook important safety checks. This intricate security breach underlines the need for further research to enhance the robustness and reliability of AI assistants, ensuring protection against attacks conducted through ingeniously crafted prompts.

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