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New Study Reveals Surprising Age of Oldest Humans in Americas

A new study published in the journal Science sheds new light on what was thought to be known about the oldest humans who migrated into the Americas.

Footprints have been found in White Sands National Park in the US state of New Mexico. Using new methods, the researchers now claim that the footprints are between 21,000 and 23,000 years old.

The news agency writes AP.

From before, it is claimed that the first people came to America 15,000 years ago.

New heat record: – Completely bananas

New evidence

The footprints were found on the shore of a lake in the White Sand National Park.

An attempt was also made to explain these in a research article in Science two years ago. But the new report questions the previous report’s methodology and draws on new evidence.

– This is a topic that has always been controversial, because it is of such great importance. It’s about how we understand the last chapter of the population of the world, Thomas Urban, an archeology researcher at Cornell University, who was involved in the 2021 study, told the AP.

– White sands is unique because there is no question that the footprints originate from humans, there is no doubt, says anthropologist and genetic researcher Jennifer Raff at the University of Kansas, to the news agency.

Raff has not taken part in the new study, AP writes.

Sat in the office and cried

– Convinced

The independent geologist Thomas Stafford at the University of Kansas, he says, has been skeptical of this rewriting of history. But the new study convinces him.

– If three completely different methods point to the same time period, it is of great importance, he tells AP.

2023-10-06 17:26:52
#researchers #gape #doubt

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