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New Study Reveals Greenland Glaciers Melting Five Times Faster Than 20 Years Ago

scientists in denmark Report of new study results Greenland glaciers are found to be melting five times faster than they were 20 years ago.

Foreign news agencies report Scientists from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark Revealed yesterday (10 Nov.), it was found that glaciers in Greenland are melting 5 times faster than in the last 20 years.

As the glaciers in Greenland melt from global warming cause special concern This is because it is an ancient glacier sheet that stores enormous amounts of water. If Greenland glaciers melt completely It will cause the sea to rise by at least 6 meters.

Anders Anker Bjork, Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources Management The University of Copenhagen says it is studying thousands of glaciers in Greenland. It shows that the rate of dissolution is faster than 20 years ago, along with pointing out that The rate of glacier melt has entered a new phase in the past two decades. The melting has a clear relationship with changes in global temperature.

A study of the evolution of Greenland’s glaciers over 130 years using satellite images and 200,000 old photographs found that over the past 20 years, the glacier’s thickness has decreased by an average of 25 meters per year, compared with the previous two decades. Glaciers recede by an average of 5-6 meters per year.

Greenland’s glaciers are often used as indicators of the impacts of climate change. As a result of global warming Between 2006 and 2013, the Greenland ice sheet was responsible for 17.3% of sea level rise and glaciers were responsible for 21% of sea level rise.

Previously, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), the EU climate change agency, has revealed new information indicating that “It is quite certain” that 2023 will be the warmest year on record for the planet in 125,000 years.

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2023-11-11 15:00:00

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