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New Study Links Elevated Blood Sugar Levels to Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

혈당이⁢ 정상 기준을 넘어서면 ⁤심혈관 질환 위험이 ⁣최대 50% 높아질 수 있다는 연구 결과가 나왔다.⁢ 영국⁢ 런던위생열대의학대학원 크리스토퍼 렌치 역학 교수 연구팀은 영국 바이오뱅크에 기록된 40~69세 성

‌What are⁢ the⁤ implications of Professor Christopher ‌Lynch’s research findings ‌on ⁤the ​recommended blood sugar ⁤criteria in older individuals⁤ to reduce the ⁣risk⁢ of heart ‌conditions

Research findings have revealed that exceeding the normal criteria for blood⁢ sugar levels can potentially increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases by up to 50%. This study, conducted by Professor Christopher Lynch ⁤and his team ⁤at the ‌London School of Hygiene ‌& Tropical Medicine in the United Kingdom, examined individuals aged between 40 to 69 years, both male and female. These results highlight the importance of maintaining a healthy blood sugar level to minimize the risk of‌ developing serious heart conditions.

2 thoughts on “New Study Links Elevated Blood Sugar Levels to Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease”

  1. I’m glad this study brings attention to the link between blood sugar levels and cardiovascular disease. It’s crucial to stay proactive in monitoring and managing our health.


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