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New Steering Committee “Compagnie Héraclès, archery in Villeurbanne

New Steering Committee

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After the General Assembly of 19 October at the Logis Armand, a new Steering Committee was set up.

Archers from all groups are represented (except those of Friday 1st year whose seniority is not yet old enough to apply for Codir).

Jean-Marie retains the title of Treasurer and will be supported in this mission by Pierre. Olivier succeeds Roger as secretary and Diane has offered to take on the role of president, following Evelyne’s desire not to run again.

Marine will take care of the sports management that Christiane did previously, Sophie will take care of the entertainment, Anthony will take care of the equipment with the help of Emeline, Pierre and Christophe, and Dominique will continue to take care of the registrations and competitions.

We look forward to satisfying you and continuing to develop the company!

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