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New State-Guaranteed Mortgages for Large Families: How It Works and What You Need to Know

Large families will be able to get it mortgages facilitated with the guarantee of the State. With even greater coverage than that currently granted to young people under 36. The law is ready, and has been included in the package of amendments to the budget deposited yesterday by the rapporteurs of the measure in the Senate Budget Committee. How will it work? A family that has three children and an ISEE of less than 40 thousand euros per year will be able to obtain a guarantee of 80 percent of the principal amount of the mortgage if it asks for a loan from the bank exceeding 80 percent of the value of the property. If there are four children in the family unit (under the age of 21) and the ISEE does not exceed 45 thousand euros, then the public guarantee on the mortgage will rise to 85 percent. Finally, if there are five or more, and the ISEE is less than 50 thousand euros, the public guarantee will reach up to 90 percent. But why the decision to extend the state mortgage guarantee to large families? The reason is explained by the technical report of the amendment. «Mortgage denial», we read, «is particularly frequent in the case of large families, as the algorithms for assessing creditworthiness used by banks penalize families with multiple children, making access to a mortgage difficult for a large family”.

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In short, it is a measure, says the technical report to the amendment, which “is part of the overall national plan to support the family and indirectly encourages birth rates”. The amount of financing guaranteed by the State, as already happens for young people, cannot exceed 250 thousand euros. And banks will not be able to request other personal guarantees. Not only. The state guarantee also entails advantages in terms of interest rates, which generally tend to be lower. «In the case of mortgages disbursed with Consap guarantee», explains Facile.it, «the law provides that for priority categories (such as those under 36) the application of a global effective rate not higher than the average global effective rate (Tegm ) published quarterly by the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The average Teg recorded quarterly by the Bank of Italy for the fourth quarter of the year is as follows – Facile.it adds – it is 5.22% for the fixed and 5.79% for the variable”. However, this is a maximum ceiling, while today the best rate for state-guaranteed mortgages on the platforms is 3.45% for a fixed mortgage.

Another amendment from the speakers instead intervenes on the subject of IMU, with a move that will inevitably not be appreciated by the owners. In fact, Municipalities are granted a sort of “extra time” to review the tax rates, possibly making taxpayers pay the difference in the event of an increase. More precisely, only for the year 2023, the deadline for the publication of the resolutions with which the rates are set each year is moved forward: according to the current law, local authorities should send them by 14 October, so that they are published on the specific website of the Finance Department on the 28th of the same month. Exceptionally, however, resolutions transmitted by November 30th will also be considered timely and therefore valid, with the deadline for publication set for January 15th.


However, there is not only tolerance for the delays of municipal administrations in their obligations. In fact, by Monday, property owners (with the exception of main homes not considered luxury) are required to pay the balance of the IMU, after the June deposit. What will happen if the rates announced subsequently are higher than those in force up to now? Simple: taxpayers will have to return to the cash register by February 29, 2024, paying the difference without penalties and interest. If, on the contrary, the final amount is lower than the one paid, a refund will be made.

Therefore there is the possibility of a third installment of the IMU at the end of February: a possibility that is anything but abstract given that around 200 municipalities have decided late (21 in Lazio alone, but there is no Rome). The retroactive nature of the rule, in violation of taxpayers’ rights, was criticized by Confedilizia.

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on Il Messaggero
2023-12-13 23:04:20

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