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New Song “Dance Us Yalla” Released by Joe Ashkar, Achieves Record Views

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Singer Joe Ashkar released his new song “Dance Us Yalla” at a party gathering press and media people, where the song’s video clip, filmed by director Joe Bou Eid, was shown.

The song, whose lyrics were written by Amr Al-Masry, composed by Samer Abu Talib, and arranged by Wissam Abdel Moneim, achieved, from the moment of its release, a very high number of views during a record period of no more than two days.

Surrounded by his wife, actress Grace Ayanyan Ashkar, his family and a group of journalists and media professionals, Joe cut the cake to the sound of the song.

In an exclusive interview with “Al Diyar” with the artist Joe Ashkar, he expressed his great satisfaction with the wonderful launch of the song “Raqsuna Yalla”, as it was released only two days ago, and it achieved only positive echoes and reactions that express joy with this work. It was remarkable that this amount of positive responses in a record short period, which means that the song left a certain imprint and was “taught” somewhere, thanks to the successful combination between speech, melody and performance. Add to them the video clip signed by Joe Bou Eid, and this is what made Joe Ashqar compares it with previous songs, as he saw that they achieved a faster launch than his previous works, reminding him of songs such as “Habibat Albi”, “Mili Mili” and “Wink”.

And about the idea of ​​the video clip and what we saw of the participation of all ages, genders and colors, Joe confirmed that all societal groups participated in the clip, as director Joe Bou Eid wanted to show an idea summed up in United Colors of Lebanon, where everyone participates in the joy, young and old, men and women, black and white, and to which class or group they belong.

He revealed to us that he is in the context of preparing to launch a new publication every two months, within the framework of a well-thought-out plan that keeps pace with the increasing pace of its publications, especially with his full dedication to work in the recent period.

In another context, Joe affirms his adherence to his belief in Lebanon, which is not strange to him, and revealed to us a new project that will soon see the light, as he is preparing to open a new lounge in Beirut, which will be one of the most prestigious nightlife venues.

Joe concluded by saluting his fans and the Lebanese in light of these difficult situations that they are challenging and overcoming, adhering to joy, hope and love of life. He also saluted the expatriates because without them, we would not have been able to withstand in this way. .

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