Latest: The road will still be closed. A new assessment will be made at 16:00 on Sunday.
Geologists are in the area, but bad weather with wind makes it difficult to use a drone.
Very landslide-prone road section
On Sunday morning there was another slush avalanche at Ytterkleiva on rv. 80 between Bodø and Fauske in Nordland.
This is a very avalanche-prone area at Kistrand.
The police report that it is a small mudslide.
– The road is blocked by Mesta. The landslide has occurred approx. 50 meters east of the municipal boundary to Fauske. We currently have no information on the duration of the ban. writes the police.
– Detour is via county road 812 from Saltdalen and over to Tuv. There are some bad conditions there as well, but for now the traffic is going well, says traffic operator in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Kristin Lunga.
Traffic operator: – More landslides are expected
Traffic operator at the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Stine Øksendal, told Avisa Nordland early Sunday morning that larger landslides are expected in the area.
– More landslides are expected.
– What has happened in the past is that there has been a small landslide and then we expect a bigger one afterwards.
A couple of weeks ago, there was a large mudslide on the same landslide-prone stretch of road.
In February 2021, the work car of a Mesta employee was taken by a mudslide on national highway 80
at Kistrand in Fauske. He died from his injuries.
Bad weather in Nordland means that several ferries are canceled on Sunday morning
including Lødingen – Bognes and Bognes – Skarberget.
We are updating the case
Another minor slush avalanche means that the national road between Bodø and Fauske is closed on Sunday.