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New school year, regional councilor Fortini in Vallo di Diano

Yesterday was a significant day for the entire Vallo di Diano, with the official inauguration of the 2024/2025 school year, which saw two key events at the “Pomponio Leto” high school in Teggiano and the new school building in Goodbye. To give prestige to the day, the participation of the Regional Councillor for Schools, Lucy Fortini.

«It was really a pleasure to participate in these two moments – underlines the Regional Councilor Corrado Matera – because school represents the beating heart of the future of local communities, especially in inland areas, such as Vallo di Diano. It is important to demonstrate the commitment of institutions to guarantee all our young people a safe, modern and cutting-edge school environment, and the presence of Councilor Fortini in Vallo di Diano confirms how important it is for the Campania Region to focus on education, also and above all in inland areas”.

Teggiano and the “Pomponio Leto” High School

During the inauguration at the “Pomponio Leto” High School in Teggiano, Matera expressed his pride in the continued growth of the institute, which over the years has seen a constant increase in enrollments, reaching over 900 students. «This high school is an excellence for the whole of Campania – he stressed – as well as an example of how, even in peripheral areas, the school can become a point of reference for the education of new generations». Matera sent heartfelt wishes to the students, recalling the importance of their scholastic path and encouraging them to live the year with enthusiasm and determination.

Buonabitacolo and the new school

In Buonabitacolo the inauguration of the new school complex marked a moment of great importance for the local community. «This building is the symbol of a new beginning for the Buonabitacolo community – declared Matera – because school is the place where the future is built, where our young people grow, learn and prepare for life’s challenges. It was a project that, at the request of the municipal administration of Buonabitacolo, I followed closely: in 2018, when I held the position of Regional Councilor, we in fact provided the resources for the work to be carried out as a Council. Seeing the school completed today, thanks to the synergy with the Campania Region, can only fill me with pride».

A special thanks was addressed by Corrado Matera to Councilor Lucia Fortini, for her constant attention and presence in the Vallo di Diano, in particular on such a significant day for the future of the young generations. «Councilor Fortini – the regional councilor highlighted – has once again demonstrated that it is a point of reference for the world of education, with its sensitivity and commitment to ensuring equal educational opportunities even in internal areas».

Yesterday confirmed the importance of investing in education as a driver of development for the Vallo di Diano and for the entire Campania Region. «I wish all the students – is the final thought of Matera addressed to all the young people of Valdiano, Salerno and Campania- to experience a school year full of satisfaction, personal growth and opportunities, in an environment that supports them and prepares them for their future».

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– 2024-09-12 22:46:06

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