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New Schengen Visa Restrictions for Russian-occupied Regions of Ukraine and Georgia

“Persons from the Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine or the self-proclaimed regions of Georgia can no longer obtain a Schengen visa or cross the external border of the Schengen zone with a travel document issued by Russia,” the message says.

It is noted that the EU clarified its current practice in this regard, and the Swiss Federal Council adopted this rule at its meeting.

Switzerland has clarified that it will not recognize ordinary passports and diplomatic passports, residence permits for stateless persons, certificates of return and documents proving the identity of seafarers.

For Ukraine, different dates of issue are set, depending on the region, documents from which are no longer accepted.

This decision also applies to Georgia

It is explained that for the occupied territories of Georgia a date has been set (August 26, 2008), after which Russian travel documents will not be valid.

“In August 2008, Russia announced the recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states. Not all countries followed this example, and Switzerland considers these regions an integral part of Georgia,” the Federal Council explained.

In some cases, documents may be recognized

As a member state of the Schengen Agreement, Switzerland is obliged to accept EU decisions.

Despite restrictions, visas may be issued for humanitarian reasons, for reasons of national interest, or in connection with international obligations.

Forced “passportization”

Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine, terrorists have been carrying out aggressive actions and forcing people to renounce Ukrainian citizenship in the occupied territories.

Most Ukrainians refuse the Russian tricolor, in connection with which the Russians regularly resort to threats and blackmail. Today it was reported that Russia is dissatisfied with the low rate of passportization in the territories of the Lugansk region occupied since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the terrorist country.

2023-08-17 18:59:45
#Switzerland #recognize #passports #issued #Russian #Federation #occupied #territories #Ukraine

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