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New Rules Issued, JHT Can Be Disbursed Before 56 Years Old

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The government has officially revised the rules regarding Old Age Security (JHT) by issuing Minister of Manpower Regulation (Permenaker) Number 4 of 2022 concerning Procedures and Requirements for Payment of Old Age Security Benefits.

Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah said, through the new regulation, JHT fund can be disbursed by BPJS Employment participants without waiting for the age of 56 years, as previously regulated in Permenaker Number 2 of 2022.

He explained that participants who resigned or were terminated (PHK) could claim JHT benefits after a one month waiting period, starting from the issuance of the statement of resignation from the employer, or from the date of termination of employment.

“This Permenaker restores arrangements related to claiming JHT benefits, for participants who resign and participants who have been laid off, claim benefits can be taken in cash and at once, and pass the one month waiting period. So there is no need to wait until the age of 56 to claim JHT, “Ida said in a virtual press conference, Thursday (28/4/2022).

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According to Ida, the issuance of Permenaker 4/2022 is a follow-up to the direction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and at the same time paying attention to the aspirations of workers or laborers, who want the need for simplification and convenience in the process of claiming JHT benefits.

Therefore, the issuance of this Permenaker has also gone through the stage of absorbing broad public aspirations. Ida said that several dialogues had been held with various trade unions or labor unions, the provincial and district or city Manpower Offices, as well as with related ministries or institutions.

“This Permenaker has also been consulted with the National Tripartite LKS whose members consist of representatives of trade unions or labor unions, employers’ organizations, and the government. We also involve experts from various universities to get input related to the Permenaker material,” he explained.

Ida added that the issuance of Permenaker 4/2022 at the same time stipulates that Permenaker Number 19 of 2015 and Permenaker Number 2 of 2022 are declared no longer valid.

“I hope that all workers/laborers once again remain focused and productive in carrying out their daily work, because the new JHT regulations are confirmed to be in accordance with the expectations of fellow workers/laborers,” concluded Ida.

Read also: Minister of Manpower: Revision of Permenaker JHT is a serious response in responding to labor aspirations

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