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New rules for interest-free home loans in the north

Kiel (dpa / lno) – From April 1, families in the north should more easily receive interest-free loans for building new houses or buying a house. “Many people in Schleswig-Holstein currently have no chance of buying their own home because they lack the necessary equity to get building loans at all,” said Interior Minister Sabine Sütterlin-Waack (CDU) of the German Press Agency. That is why the state has adjusted the funding conditions. “I hope that we can use it to give many people a good start.”

In future, new subsidy conditions will apply to social housing subsidies. Households with at least one child or a severely disabled relative receive a 20-year interest-free loan of up to 100,000 euros. Only an annual administration fee of 0.5 percent is due.

In a 4-person household (2 adults, 2 children), the net income limit is 39,360 euros. This corresponds to a gross household income of around 60,000 euros. With two adults and one child, the limit is 32,640 euros or a gross household income of around 49,000 euros. Under certain conditions, loans from the Schleswig-Holstein Investment Bank (IB.SH) will in future also be possible without the previously required equity ratio of 7.5 percent of the loan amount.

In addition to the basic funding, there will also be additional loans of 15,000 euros in the north from April if there is a barrier-free entrance as well as wider doors and a barrier-free shower on the ground floor. Only those who carry out all three installations or conversions can apply for this additional funding. For new living space for severely disabled people through special structural measures, there are alternative additional loans in the amount of 50,000 euros.

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