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New rules: Don’t you have homosexuals, women or minorities? Forget the Oscars

The film must meet at least two of the four standards in order to win the Oscar for Best Picture. The first standard focuses on canvas representation and themes. The film must meet at least one of the three criteria.

The first criterion – the film must have at least one actor in the lead role or a significant supporting role, who comes from minorities (Asians, Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans – Indians, people from the Middle East, North Africa, Hawaiians or people from the Pacific Islands).

Throughout the ensemble, at least 30% of the actors in minor roles must be women, people from ethnic minorities, the LGBTQ + community, or people with cognitive or physical disabilities or the hard of hearing and completely deaf.

Another criterion concerns the story that must revolve around women, ethnic minorities, the LGBTQ + community, or people with cognitive or physical disabilities or the hard of hearing and deaf.

LGBTQ + director or producer

Another standard applies to the entire staff and management. At least two creative executives (such as a director, casting director, lead cinematographer, editor or producer) must again be women or come from an ethnic minority, the LGBTQ + community, or people with a cognitive or physical disability or deaf and hard of hearing. In addition, at least one of them must be from the following groups: Asians, Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans, people from the Middle East, North Africa, Hawaiians, or people from the Pacific Islands. In addition, the entire staff must consist of 30% of members of disadvantaged minorities.

Another standard requires the studio to pay for trainees who come from the following groups: women, ethnic minorities, the LGBTQ + community, people with cognitive or physical disabilities, or the hard of hearing and deaf.

Large studios have a duty to introduce, to a substantial extent, permanent internships and internships for members of disadvantaged minorities in most fields – production, post-production, music, visual effects, marketing, distribution, PR.

The latest standard requires the film company to employ several minority managers in the marketing and PR team.

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