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New Road Traffic Law Being Developed to Improve Safety and Regulation

A completely new road traffic law is being written and very soon the concept of it will be presented to the public. This was announced by the head of the State Road Safety Agency, Malina Krumova, during a meeting of the parliamentary transport committee, which
voted on the first reading four bills for amendments to the current law.

The projects were introduced recently after the protests that followed the brutal accident on the capital’s Slivnitsa boulevard, in which a young driver killed two of his peers on the road.

Some of the proposed changes tighten the measures specifically for young drivers. According to the project of Nastimir Ananaiev from the PP-DB, for example, drivers who got a license 12 months ago are prohibited from driving between 10 pm and 6 am, the lower threshold for blood alcohol is not 0.5, but 0.1 per mille and they will not be allowed to drive a car with more than 90 kilowatts of power, i.e. more than 120 horsepower.

In addition, they will not have 39 checkpoints in the coupon, but only 19, i.e. the possibility of losing their license will occur earlier and with fewer violations. The value of a number of fines is also increased.

The GERB project emphasizes more on arming with technical means of filming on the roads and deducting 80% of the collected fines for the municipalities to have more control powers.

Part of the discussion centered around the proposal submitted by Bozhidar Bojanov from the PP-DB, which proposes that the traffic police have the right to stop the driver on the road and hand them to him if there are more than 5 undelivered tickets for violations.

His other proposal, however, met with resistance from the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Traffic and Traffic Administration and the Automobile Administration of the Ministry of Transport, is to remove any stickers from the windshield of the car – for passing technical inspection and for insurance.

The fourth project – by Dimitar Naydenov from PP-DB, has only two texts. They envisage a drastic increase in the fines for improperly crossing a railway crossing.

According to Diana Rusinova from the European Center for Transport Policies, none of the projects should be accepted, but a new law should be written. The reason is that the current one, adopted in 1999, provided for a new regulation for its implementation, but for 24 years no one has done so and the current regulation is from 1968.

2023-06-29 14:57:00

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