From the June 1, 2024 the new regulation comes into effect approved by the Comptroller General for the execution of Works by Direct Administrationwhich will ensure effective and transparent execution of public works and which will be of mandatory attention by authorities and officials of entities subject to government control.
The Comptroller General’s Office made official the effective date of Directive No. 017-2023-CG/GMPL that regulates the “Execution of Public Works by Direct Administration”, through Comptroller’s Resolution No. 183-2024-CG published on the last 27 March in the official newspaper El Peruano.
The entry into force of the new directive will allow the execution of works by direct administration be carried out quickly and transparentlyseeking the better conditions of quality, cost, opportunityand within the framework of adequate control.
For the preparation phase of the works, provisions are issued so that entities ensure the necessary supply of goods, services and personnel, prior to the start and physical execution. Regarding quality, the work will be required to have a technical file appropriate to the BIM methodology, as well as the application of partial settlements. For greater transparency, the use of the digital workbook and openness to citizen participation and surveillance will be implemented.
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Other benefits of the new regulatory framework are related to the requirements for the profile of key personnel, provisions for the approval of significant and non-significant modifications, and for the correct sizing of the technical file, avoiding construction cost overruns. And in addition to the above, it should be noted that provisions are being outlined for the implementation and operation of the works office by direct administration.
The scope of the new measure will be mandatory for all documents of the national, regional, and local government, as well as all business treatment entities or public companies under the scope of FONAFE and the National Control System.
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#regulation #Works #Direct #Administration #effect #June
– 2024-05-03 05:00:40