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New record ‘whitest paint ever’

AAir conditioners are one of the most energy-consuming appliances, so what if you invent something that can replace these appliances? Something simple, which you can use in any home. We succeeded: because the ‘whitest paint ever’ ensures that the houses remain cool.

Whitest paint ever

If you thought those white paint on your walls at home were the whitest possible, you’re wrong. This new, ultra-white paint was developed by scientists at the Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. This paint reflects no less than 98.1 percent of the sunlight. This immediately gives the paint a place in the Guinness World Records, described as the whitest paint ever.

Air conditioning replacement

That this white paint reflects sunlight is nothing new. But the extent to which that happens, does. Regular white paint reflects up to 80 to 90 percent of sunlight. So a big difference. The paint makes the surface cooler than the surrounding area, and can even replace an air conditioner. To make that happen, the inventors are currently making this ultra-white paint commercially. The patent has already been applied for.

To get the paint so white, the inventors use a high ratio of barium sulphate. This is a compound that is often used in cosmetics and photo paper. A diverse range of these particles are used, which cause the light spectrum to be scattered. That way it can reflect more sunlight.

Image: Unsplash

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