Home » today » News » New recommendations on the use of a mask in New York City due to the coronavirus | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

New recommendations on the use of a mask in New York City due to the coronavirus | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

city ​​authorities thatnever sleeps. good afternoon,centanos.Isabel: Mayor Billy BlasioI recommend to New Yorkersthat they are vaccinated that they useindoor and single maskswings when they are aroundpeople who are notvaccinated. but this is arecommendation is not required.the mayor di blasio said thatscience, data strategy,added that amandate because the city wantsrespect the fact thatvaccines perform differentlyopportunities and ensures that theuse of masks nothey replace vaccines. theannouncement came afterGovernor Cuomo will urgelocal governments to adaptto the new mask guideof the centers for control andprevention of diseases thatrecommend covering your faceboth for vaccinated peopleas not vaccinated in spacespublic, interior foravoid transmission ofvirus. through your customaryseccón informative, of blasicelebrated the achievement obtained bythe city of offering 10,000,000dose of the vaccinecoronavirus, as part of theMayor’s latest initiativedelta.also plane that enteringforce immediately allpeople who are hiredto work for the city ofnew york must bevaccinated. remember alsoall the New Yorkers whomasks are required inmeans of transportationpublic only if you arevaccinated and added that thisweek is the last for whatyou can assure ofget your 12-year-old vaccinatedonwards and should do itbefore the first week ofstart of classes.the mayor emphasized one andagain whenNew Yorkers should get vaccinated,said vaccines haveproven to be safe and is theonly weapon to fightthe coronavirus, said thatstep we’re going we’ll get wherethe vaccinated can enjoyof everything the city offersfrom new york while thenot vaccinated, maybe they can’tdo it the same way.from the mayor of the cityfrom new york, i’m isabel

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