Nîmes Métropole has set up a reception and information service for applicants for social housing, in the CCAS of four municipalities.
Eligibility criteria, rights, processing times… When applying for social housing, there are many questions. Nîmes Métropole therefore wanted to set up a coordinated service to respond to this. Four municipalities (out of the 39 members of the Agglomeration) have agreed to provide a reception and information point for social housing applicants: Nîmes, Milhaud, Marguerittes and Bezouce.
Signature of the Siad agreement, aimed at facilitating access to social housing @name @NimesMetropole @Gard Municipalities of Nîmes, Milhaud, Bezouce and @Marguerittes30 pic.twitter.com/jPNb0BNuvK
— Midi Libre Nîmes (@MidiLibreNimes) September 12, 2023
The signing of this agreement on Tuesday September 12 is an implementation of the Alur law (2014), which requires the simplification of the applicant’s procedures and the transparency of the process of processing their file. Concretely, this approach marks the creation of a reception desk in the CCAS of each of these municipalities, the preferred contact for a person wishing to apply for social housing. Previously, they had to contact landlords directly.
“A local service that significantly reduces the administrative burden!” assures Géraldine Rey-Deschamps, vice-president, delegate for housing and urban renewal. Will the creation of the Siad make it possible to shorten the time taken to access social housing? The answer is more hesitant: “Eventually. Yes, because the files will be updated more easily.”
To register a request, residents can go to the CCAS in Nîmes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and on Thursday from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (, or at that of Milhaud on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, by appointment only (04 66 74 61 83). For guidance, they can contact the CCAS in Bezouce (04 30 06 53 70) or Marguerittes (04 66 75 19 19).
#VIDEO #Nîmes #Marguerittes #Milhaud #Bezouce #reception #point #social #housing #applicants