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New Rainbow Family Center opens – Berlin.de

For families who want LSBTI-Spectrum, there is now a new contact and meeting place in Berlin: the queer rainbow family center in the Gürtelstrasse 35 in Friedrichshain. It offers counseling, education and meeting opportunities and invites gay, lesbian, trans * and intersex parents to exchange ideas and network. Trialog Jugendhilfe gGmbH is the sponsor. The Rainbow Family Center is funded by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family. The new facility in the eastern part of the city complements the offer of the Rainbow Family Center in Schöneberg, which has been in existence since 2013. Due to the corona pandemic, the new center will initially offer telephone advice, followed by individual and group events as soon as possible.

Sandra Scheeres, Senator for Education, Youth and Family: “I am delighted that we can now also open a rainbow family center in the eastern part of the city. Berlin families are diverse and colorful. But also in the cosmopolitan city of Berlin LSBTI-Families keep struggling with prejudices and difficult legal issues. At the Rainbow Family Center, they and their concerns are the focus. With the new offer, we want to strengthen these families, enable the exchange of experiences and promote social acceptance. ”

Anke Köhler, Management Trialog Jugendhilfe gGmbH: “With the increasing acceptance of queer worlds, queer families are becoming more and more visible in their different facets. The new Rainbow Family Center is actively committed to an inclusive concept of family and wants to be a safe place for all gender identities and family constellations. ”

The center is initially located in the Queer Competence Center in Gürtelstrasse, which arose from a long-term cooperation between Trialog Jugendhilfe gGmbH, Queer Life, ABqueer eV and TriQ eV. Numerous group and individual offers are planned on topics such as the desire to have children, family planning, parenting and care models as well as legal questions in family, social or asylum law. There are also plans for open offers for lesbian, gay, trans * and queer / non-binary parents as well as pregnancy and birth support and support and accompaniment for queer children as early as possible. Another important task of the center is networking with other queer projects and initiatives.

For more information, call 01622510634 or email: [email protected]

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