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New program offered at Cégep de Thetford

This fall, the Continuing Education Department of Cégep de Thetford will be offering a new Early Childhood Work-Study Path which will qualify educators by obtaining an attestation of collegial studies (AEC).

This is a short-term national program favoring paid work-study internships and aimed at aspiring educators as well as those already in post with little experience.

This course, deployed by the sectoral workforce committee of the social economy and community action (CSMO-ÉSAC), aims to counter the shortage of educators in Quebec by training more of 2,400 people over a three-year period. Participating employers will thus be able to immediately benefit from part-time succession in their environment and subsequently from qualified employees who are already well integrated into the company. Companies in the region interested in offering a job can register now via the early childhood work-study portal.

Note that the program will be divided into two working days and three days of online training. In addition, participants will be remunerated both for their working time and for their training time. “We are happy to be able to respond to a need in the region while allowing those who wish to move into a new area in high demand. Many candidates interested in the AEC in early childhood education are hampered by the financial aspect and their various responsibilities which prevent them from leaving their job and not having an income during the training period. This project will therefore give them the opportunity to move forward without financial constraints, ”says François Guay, director of the Continuing Education Department.

The project also includes a component for the recognition of prior learning and skills which will allow candidates already employed in the field and with work experience to be recognized for part, or even all of the training.

With the mission of meeting the need for manpower both in the region and elsewhere in Quebec, the Cégep de Thetford has adopted an online teaching formula for its AEC Techniques d’Éducation à l’Enfance (Childhood Education Techniques) already offered. a twenty years. A shift very appreciated by students who can now follow the training from home. Throughout the program, the latter are called upon to intervene in children’s development, to participate in the creation of stimulating educational environments and to establish harmonious relationships, both with the children and with their parents.

To register as an employer or candidate: https://www.travailetudespetiteenfance.ca/

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