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New People Power Party Innovation Committee Chairman In Yo-han Meets with Leader Kim Ki-hyun for Party Reform Discussions

▲ Innovation Committee Chairman In Yo-han speaking Photo: Yonhap News
New People Power Party Innovation Committee Chairman In Yo-han met with party leader Kim Ki-hyun and exchanged opinions on the direction of party reform.

Chairman In met with Representative Kim at the People Power Party Central Party Headquarters in Yeouido on the afternoon of the 23rd and said, “I had a meal with our representative a few days ago, and he gave me so much authority that it was scary.”

He also talked about the time when he requested the chairman of the Innovation Committee and said, “We had a conversation asking him to come in and join us and not necessarily follow our will, but to be very outspoken and truly help us find the right direction.”

He added, “We are neither older nor younger, but we are the same age, so the conversation took place very comfortably.”

Representative Kim responded to Chairman In’s mention of being ‘the same age’ with a smile, saying, “I’m a few months ahead of you. I’m the older brother.”

Chairman In said, “I have been teaching for 32 years and worked at a university hospital, but this is a very new job. All I ask is that you give me some time. I need to do a lot of previewing and reviewing to learn.”

The meeting between the two lasted for over an hour.

Regarding the results of the meeting, Chairman In said, “We are in the beginning stages. The principles have been established, but there are a lot of details.” He emphasized that the overriding principle is “integration.”

He also did not give a specific answer to the question of whether he should merge with former representative Lee Jun-seok and former lawmaker Yoo Seung-min.

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2023-10-23 11:16:27
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