The House of Representatives passed the Future Pensions Act by a large majority. On the roll call vote, 93 MPs were in favor and 48 against. The vote was the culmination of a long debate and to negotiate. The parties that voted in favor are VVD, D66, CDA, ChristenUnie, GroenLinks, PvdA, SGP and Volt.
The law regulates the transition and regulates the new pension system. According to the proponents, this is fairer for different generations of employees than the old pension system.
Younger employees, including those with flexible working, will build up a retirement amount faster and sooner, the intention is. They contribute less to the ‘old’ fixed pension contracts of previous generations. They can also benefit from favorable investment results more quickly. As a result, their pension fund may increase.
Previously, pensions could not always increase in line with inflation, so-called indexation. In the new law, the rules are more flexible and pensions can be increased sooner if investment results are good.
However, policyholders take greater risks through investments. The law establishes that pension funds must guarantee a transition that is as fair as possible for all participants. This is especially true for people in their 40s and 50s.
It depends on the individual pension fund how the existing amount of money is divided and how much investment risk is taken in the future.
First room
The discussion did not end with the vote. The Senate will begin discussing the law on January 17 next year. Since PvdA and GroenLinks also voted for it, there is almost certainly a majority in the senate.
Opponents voiced their objections before the roll-call vote. MP SP Van Kent spoke again of a “casino pension”, MP Omtzigt spoke of a pension that depends on “luck or bad luck”.
If the Senate also agrees, the law can go into effect on July 1, 2023. The funds have until 2027 to transfer their participants.