The new, more than 70-space Sólyom utca parking lot, which primarily aims to serve the Magyarság Sports Complex and the new city sports hall, received its use permit and was able to serve motorists.
We must remember that the municipality took over the ownership of the sports center just over ten years ago, in 2012. There wasn’t even street lighting in the area then. Since then, the main building has been renovated, the center field, an artificial turf and BMX track have been built, the athletics corridor has been renewed, a throwing field and a sports hall have been built – municipal representative Attila Csoma proudly reported on the developments.
At the main entrance of the Dunakeszi Student Quarter, which is being built on the east side of the sports center, the reconstruction of the roundabout and the Klapka utca road next to the institution has begun. The development promotes the continuous progress of car traffic in the northern part of the city, creating a connection with the main road No. 2 and the M2 connecting road. For the duration of the road construction – from 21.08.2023 to 10.09.2023 – a complete road closure was ordered on the section between Klapka utca – Bagoly utca – Kosztolányi utca.
B. Szentmártoni
Photo: KesziPress