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New parent-child center for Leipziger Klinikum Sankt Georg

Starting next week, four new delivery rooms and a large neonatal unit will be available in the new area of ​​the St. Georg Clinic in Leipzig, a special department for babies with typical newborn diseases. As the clinic announced, the renovation took a year. Meanwhile, the mother-child station continued to operate.

Conversion during operation

The first phase of the overall project is now complete. Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer and Health Minister Petra Köpping congratulated Iris Minde, Managing Director of the hospital, on the opening: “I am proud that our employees have managed this extensive project so well,” said Minde.

Conversion measures while the clinic is running are always a major challenge, especially in highly sensitive areas such as the delivery room and neonatology.

Iris Minde
Managing Director of the St. Georg Leipzig Clinic

More space for childbirth

In addition to the modern delivery rooms, the new ward also offers a delivery tub and a lounge for family members waiting. Each of the four delivery rooms has its own shower toilet unit. “The delivery rooms are so big that we were even able to set up the Roma bike again. Many pregnant women had asked about it in the past,” explains Uwe Köhler, chief physician of the clinic for gynecology and obstetrics. The Romarad is a special chair that is used in obstetrics.

The new parent-child center with new delivery rooms and the expansion of the premature ward is another wise investment. After all, Leipzig is Saxony’s birth capital with more than 6,500 births per year.

Michael Kretschmer
Prime Minister of Saxony

Premature babies better cared for

Two children can be cared for in parallel in the new “premature delivery room”. Christian Geyer, chief physician of the Center for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, explains that the premature babies can now get into the experienced hands of neonatology directly from the delivery room via the shortest route. “The direct connection between the two stations offers maximum security. We now have eleven neonatal places – previously there were six – and five directly connected monitoring places.” For special infectious cases there is a new isolation room with two places. A lock provides the appropriate protection.

Investments continue

Obstetrics and neonatology are located in building 20 of the clinic. The new mother-child center is being built there in three phases. The first construction phase with delivery rooms and neonatology is the largest and most extensive section with a construction cost of around 4.2 million euros. The second construction phase includes the reconstruction of the intensive care unit for children and “Intermediate Care” with eleven beds and recovery room and starts next week. Finally, there is a new gynecological bed station and a preparatory outpatient clinic. The end of construction is scheduled for summer 2021. From 2022, the building complex is to be supplemented by another new building.

It is very remarkable that the clinic financed this new center from its own funds and did not make any further state funding in favor of another far more extensive construction project, the construction of a new central building.

Petra Köpping
Minister of Health

This topic in the program at MDR SACHSEN
MDR SAXONY MIRROR | 06/26/2020 | 7:00 p.m.

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