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New Obligation Effective from 1 December 2023: Risks and Penalties

A new obligation will become effective from 1 December 2023. Be careful, as failure to comply with this new provision could also result in a €100 fine.

euro danger – Oipamagazine

From 1 December 2023 everything will change, as new ones will be announced obligations regarding the issue of superbonus and of credit assignment. At the moment the directives we benefit from are only theoretical, as the provision has not yet come into force and will probably be reconfirmed in the next few days. However, there is talk of new changes that will change the setup which we have all been accustomed to for several years now. To find out what will happen, however, we will have to wait for the new one Budget law, which will be published in early October. In the meantime, let’s try to understand together what could happen.

Super bonus and credit transfer: here’s what could change

As anticipated in our introduction, many issues relating to credit transfer and superbonus they may change in the coming months. For some time now there has been talk of changes that will come into force on December 1, 2023 and which will therefore require new commitments from the citizen.

New credit transfer provisions – Oipamagazine.it

According to rumors, some things will change regarding the extension of the expiry of the superbonus. You will be able to submit your application until September 30, 2022 without having to suffer any cuts 30% on the interventions to be carried out. Important changes also regarding the management of non-use of credit due to the blockade carried out by Drelaunch decree.

In the first case, all the people who wanted to carry out interventions on their home will be able to enjoy a new one extension which will allow you to enjoy further discounts where you cannot benefit from other subsidies.

Let us therefore remember that it is not one new question but only of an extension that can intervene in cases where the works were interrupted due to some shortcomings by the State. The new liquidity will be granted around November and it is important to act knowing the timing, so you don’t have any nasty surprises later.

The new provisions valid from December 2023

Apparently these theories will take shape starting from 1 December 2023 when, precisely, a new communicated implementation from the side of the Revenue Agency. In this case, if there were unused funds, everything could be communicated to the Revenue Agency.

New Superbonus provisions – Oipamagazine.it

This, within 30 days, will have to issue the conditions that led to the credit freeze and possibly cancel this state of stasis to allow families to complete the work.

Each family will therefore have to declare how the money received was managed for the various interventions on the house, even if new decisions were made during construction. This is because otherwise the credits granted could lapse again and in doing so there would be a risk of block the progress of the works for several months.

The communication must be forwarded to the Revenue Agency within 30 days of knowing the reason why the credit has no longer been used. In most cases it will be a situation that concerns commercial companies very closely, as very few private entities have undertaken this type of action.

Be careful of fines: here’s what you risk if you don’t respect the law

To go back to the previous discussion, each applicant will have to present a declaration in which it establishes the reason why the credit was not used to carry out the previously agreed works. This can only happen if we get to know each other the actual reason which caused the work to be stopped.

Once the cause has been identified you will have 30 days to communicate it to the Revenue Agency, which will then proceed with the necessary assessments of the case. All this will be required starting from 1 December 2023 and must continue for a maximum period that does not exceed the date of 2 January.

Otherwise i measures they will be very severe, as you risk administrative sanctions that can reach up to €100 in fines. So are you aware of how things will change? Do you think that all this can unblock the progress of the works that were interrupted several months ago?

2023-09-22 03:23:09
#Pay #attention #obligation #starting #December #1st #euro #fine #dont

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